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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Saturday, December 2

helloos . =]

` wentt tturhh meet heather thenn headed down tturhh bugis . ate . then went sim lim tturhh collect something .

` wentt tturhh meet joshua . blah blah blah .

` bad day after dhatt .

` took neo prints with heather too ! yayness .


8:57:00 PM

Tuesday, November 28

` omg omg omg . im in love with 罗志祥 (if you cant read . right click,enconding click on unicode) luo zhi xiang . he's damnnnn cute larh !!! wahh !!!!!!!

` ii watch he's video on youtube everyday . hahahs . thats way ii didnt blog .

` im just super super crazy over him . !!!!!

` he's got a sense of humour ; he can play the piano ; he can play the drum ; he adorable ; he can dance very well ; he can sing ; he's filial . (my next boyfriend must have all these. >.<)

` few MV (music videos) of him . go watch .

jji qqi wa wa -

show time -

* zhen ming tian zi feat jolin tsai -

chance chance -

5:37:00 PM

Friday, November 24

` swensons at parkway . tina ; alica ; faiqah; aishah and me . and some of amrita's friends . like pooja . shes so funny . hahahas .

` was raning when we left . so we took a cab marina square instead . ate and arcade

` decided tturrh go for ice skating . took a cab down tturhh leisure park . but it fucking close down . so we went east coast for bowling . fun fun fun . IM THE WINNER . muahahahha .

` had lotssa fun . yayness .

10:24:00 PM

Tuesday, November 21

` this post will bbe dedicated tturhh my beloved mother .

` nno matter how much ii tryiie tturhh prove how muchh ii wantted tturhh please you you wont appreciate it

` ii seriously think dhatt my life would bbe so very much better without you in my life

` nno matter what ii ddo . all you do is just open your god damn big mouth and scold me .

` you are obviously a two face bitch

` ii did help out with darhh house workk . wash your stuffs . try making you and dad happy . but all ii get in return is a '' you didnt contribute tturhh darhh house at all '' . THANKS BITCH .

` since i was little . i swore that i would NEVER shed a tear at your funeral . or maybe I WILL TRY TO . (donna's line =X )

` ii wish that ii would grow up soon . and leave this miserable house .

` ii guess dhatt's all bout it . DIE BITCH .

` ii '' LOVE '' you so much .

11:20:00 AM

Sunday, November 19

` when tturhh watch Casino Royale with pris.jun long.kai jun and their two friends .

` movie was a remix of all kinds of shows like . Intial D . Titanic . Las Vegas . C.S.I . and blah blah blah .

` moviie was kiinda boring . and it lasted for 3 damn hours . damn .

` didnt really enjoyed myself . felt kiindda left out by them . luckily i bought pris along . if not . confirm die arhhs . and ii actually cried over it . it may sound stupid to you people . because you dont really noe what happened and how much HE meant tturhh me . anyways . i dont wanna talk bout it anymore .

` its YOUTUBE time . =)

1:51:00 AM

Friday, November 17

` ok . announcement ! im gonna get a new blog on the 2nd of dec . thats excatly one year since ii started blogging . and all the sad memories are left here . so ... NEW BLOG . NEW BEGINNING . yayness~

` hmm . youtube youtube and more of youtube . im like VERY addicted to it . hahas . seriously alot of taiwan drama for me tturhh watch . and its F.O.C . wahahahha

` ii dont know why im still thinking of you . ii know ii shouldnt be . but its just not something that ii can control . its as though everything just happened yesterday . somebody help me (sounds like the mask . lol)

` shopping . is quite a success . sell quite alot of things so far . maybe you guys can help me ! juts click on the link . then support kkaes ? oh . and help advertiste . shank you ~ http://bestbuy-shop.blogspot.com

` gonna watch the grudge 2 tml . IM SERIOUSLY GOING TO DIE . meeting jun long and maybe kai jun . its been a long tymme . =) im bringing priscilla along .


8:03:00 PM

Tuesday, November 14

* im DEAD tired . omg . pimples are starting tturhh appear cos i kept sleeping in the mornx .

* mom and i couldnt get tturhh sleep . so we we went down for breakfast. =]

* ii just woke up . haven slept for 20 over hours . so ii coudlnt stand it . i just took a nap . =]

* ii've been edicted tturhh youtube . hahas . lottssa stuff tturhh watch there .

* ohh . and this bitch called beth . kiips goiin tturhh amrita's blog and make troule . omg . she is fucking irritating . MISS NO-LIFE CUM BIMMOTIC . i seriously think that this kindda people should just fall and die . so childish . brr .

8:33:00 PM

Friday, November 10

hello people . sorry ii haven been blogging . =)

* was ADDICTED tturhh It Started With A Kiss . watched it on youtube . OMFG . there's this guy in that show . fucking cute larh !

* wahahha . bought so much stuffs recently . new flats . new crowned belt . new top . new necklace . new hair clips . new ear rings . new tie . YAY ~ x)

* missing all my mad friends .

- aishah . my rawkstarr =) and my catching partner ! wahahahs .
- amrita . my sitting partner !!! ii miss her craps !!! omg . seriously . everytime entertain me with her madness . hahahs . and the daily MOLE !!!! =)
- pork chop . with her lame jokes . and her loud voice . and the stupid stuff she does . hahas
- joelle ! my aii aii . =] always sing with me . then we go crazy tgt . hahahas . then she always laugh like one mad woman . lol

and many many many ~ =]

6:08:00 PM

Monday, November 6


* ok . i think things are getting soo weird . is it a trend tturhh blog nowadays ? first . it was nicole . then pork chop . then pork pork junior . then gerald kor . then vinn papa . omg . link until my hand so tired ! * faints*

* went ICA building tturhh collect my new passport with mom . reached there around 4 and left at 7 plus . they take so damn fucking long tturhh serve one customer . like whardd the hell larhh . waiit until siibeii pekk chekk .

* went tturhh visit grands . baby yu ling was there too . she's grown taller . cutie pie . =)

* went home . bathe and im creating my PIGGY PET =)

* iits name is MUD PIE . pork chop thought of that name . THANKS PORK CHOP ~

11:03:00 PM

my mother is so irritaing . fucking pissing me off . she can just fall and die . bloody bitch . and to hell larhh . everyday just scold scold scold . you're fucking mouth will just fucking rot one day . fuck you bitch !

12:15:00 AM

Saturday, November 4

* went aishah house for lunch . jolin,julia,alicia,tina,porkchop was there too =)

* talked about alot of things there . about the sec 3 camp . the class . the trouble we cause . the sentosa trip .

* went pet safari after that . saw this dog . omg . so cute . =)

so cute .

sleeping dog . =)

11:06:00 AM

Friday, November 3

* woke up late afternoon . was chatting with jas and vannye on line .

* jas came over . kindda bored cos we have nothing tturhh ddo .

* got depressed again after she went home .


* iits been soooooooooooooooooo long since ii talked tturhh donna . =(

8:25:00 PM

Thursday, November 2


* we were together on this day . one yr ago from now . although you've left me . im still missing you .

* kept repeating the very first song that you taught me how tturh sing ( shan hu hai -jay chou ) for an hour plus . memories flashed back . the times we spent together . and the times when ii cried for you . the stuffs that we do together . iit just bring tears tturhh my eyes . i dont noe how tturh decribe these feelings .

* ii dont wanna live in misery . but in stuck in this mess . ii dont know how tturhh get outta it . ii seriouslyiie need some help . why is it that ii still cant give up on you ? im broken and im lost . the one that ii love doesnt love me .


these precious moments
With you by my side
Must be a gift from heaven
That 's holding me all night
I don 't know how I found you
I 'm thankful that I have
Now that I have a love so true
To hold , to keep ,to share
In my heart , I can no longer hold inside
All of the love I used to hide
I 'll always be with you untill the very end
In this world , there is no place I 'd rather be
You are my life , my soul , my girl
And through it all
I know that you 've come to see that You 're the one till the end
All my friend around me
Say you 'd be gone too soon
Baby , I 'm gonna make them see
We 've found our way back home
In my heart , I can no longer hold inside
All of the love I used to hide
I 'll always be with you untill the very end
In this world , there is no place I 'd rather be
You are my life , my soul ,my girl
And through it all
I know that you 've come to see that
You 're the one till the end
We 'll always be till the end

kelvin bai zhen xiang
021105 - 030106

i have no courage tturhh love anymore . he was the FIRST guy ii ever loved .

11:05:00 PM

Wednesday, November 1

* suppose tturhh ggo meet joelle . but saw aishah on the bus . so went with her tturhh park way .tturhh meet tina and atiqah .

* went off tturhh meet joelle after a while . was raning heavily after that . pork chop cam etturhh pick us up .

* swimming in the rain was fun . damn fucking cold . brrrr

* saw melissa there . omg . SHE'S ADORABLE =)

* got pushed down the pool by julia . THANKS ALOT ! =.= lol

* had lotsa fun making fun of cecilia . and ii finalylie saw my son - in - law . not too much of a bad person =)

* lotssa things happened while walking tturhh the kallang bridge . =X

* went for super . with shi min . zapper . cecilia . joelle and shimin . shi min's father's treat x) went lai huat tturhh eat . wahahha . food was SUPER =)

* went tturhh darhh backk alley with cecilia . zapper and joelle . was in need of ciggiies .

* joked around . and dad came . fetched joelle home . lalals

* just came home . im tiired . yawns ~
* pics ~ pics ~ pics ~

me and yan chee

me and joelle aii aii

us . after swimming in the rain .

after swimming . just finish make-uping and when the rest came .

us again ~

10:35:00 PM

Monday, October 30

* been addicted tturhh journey tturhh darhh west show . hahas . SUPER NICE . x)

* re-doing shopping blog with jas and ivan . so excited !

* tomorrow's pork chop's party . IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT .

10:20:00 PM

Sunday, October 29

my blog has problem . and its irritating me . DAMN IT .

10:03:00 PM

Saturday, October 28

happy birthday george !!!

* went tturh meet my bro at bugis . didnt tell george dhatt ii was going . SURPRISE ! =]

* ate long john's for lunch . missed the food there .

* went golden mile for pool . won quite a few times =) YEAH .

* walked tturhh grandparents place . stayed there for a while . then mum and dad fetched me for dinner . had bak kut teh . =]

* borrowed journey tturhh darhh west VCD from bro . gonna watch it now .

* dhatts all ! bye bye !

10:00:00 PM

Friday, October 27

* slept for 17 hours . im so AWAKE :)

* had lunch . watched my tape .

* packed my books and rubbish . spent like 3 hours or more . i definately throw away lots of things . hahs

* im stuck tturhh youtube these days . and ii found this video of celest chen's love life . and ii think its damn saddening larh . cryied alot . maybe im too emotional ?

take a look :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrIfzA1-HWM&NR ( part one )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjfZPLnvXys&NR ( part two )

* oh ! and this korean mtv . its also damn saddening larh . its bout . this lady met a man . then they fall in love then . after that the woman became blind . then the man donate his dont noe what tturhh the woman . tturhh help the lady gain her sight . but the girl didnt noe . watch the mtv for more details . =)


7:40:00 PM

Thursday, October 26

* took back our report books today . promoted . yay-ners . =)

* went home tturhh change and prepare myself . took like almost two hours . =x

* took a cab down tturhh center point tturhh meet donnna . wendy and jolyn .

* watch DOA deadd or alive at plaza sing . THE SHOW ROCKED =) holly valance is HOT

* waited with jolyn for her bus . then went tturhh slack at starbucks . ii felt damn sick . almost vomited . so ii ran off tturhh the toilet . after that my parents came . so didnt have a chance tturhh say bye tturhh them . sorry donna and wendy

this was posted on the 27th of october 2006

7:29:00 PM

Wednesday, October 25

* no school for me today . woke up at 7.30 waited for mr lee's call . then talk tturhh donna on the fone . but that faggot didnt call . idiot . then ii went tturhh sleep at 8.30 . =)

* went tturhh meet aishah . mira . clarissa . jean . amanda . joelle . khai . tina . fiona at park way KFC .

* pierced my ear with mira . aiishah and khai . =)

* came home . use the comp . and im bored . chatted with wendy on line . =) first tyme talk tturhh her online for soo long siiarh . hahas . she's a nice person =) and she actually wrote poems . and they are nice !

* going out with donna wendy pork chop and jolyn tomorrow . =] yay ~ !

show you one of them .

The heart cries, wither and die,
When you told the truth about those lies,
Lay your smile, across my broken dreams,
Venting my anger, so loudly I scream.

Punched the mirror, hands full of blood,
These cuts within, stabbed through my heart,
On my hand, you see the horrid scars,
I miss you,
But I've stopped wondering where you are.

A love once so strong, now broken,
Empty handed and lost, you're unforgiven,
Crushed deep down, but smiling outside,
You know sadness lies beneath my eye.

I've lost my love, it's never coming back,
But still, it's one I'll never forget.

There's no point in crying,
Everytime I do, I feel my heart dying,
Wiping my own tears, I cry in vain,
You'll never know how I'm able to withstand this pain.

Looking at our old photographs I cried,
Wondering how long more I'll put up with this fight,
People come and go so fast,
You were one of those who really last.

Cupid, shoot me with your arrow once again,
I'll do everything right and leave out the pain,
Staring at the scars on my hand,
It scares me that the pain was so real,
With a piece of paper and a pen,
I write about the feelings that you kill.

You killed me once, you killed me twice,
You set my heart on fire, now it's as cold as ice,
Finding my broken soul shattered on the floor,
Time and time again you walked out that door.

I went to the places we once did together,
I tried means and ways but I couldn't get better,
Now that we're so far apart,
I just hope that you'll always be the one who mends my broken heart,
I'll still be waiting,
I'm not going,
Til then baby.

[[ copyrighted - wendy]]

8:11:00 PM

Tuesday, October 24

Happy Hari Raya tturhh ALL my muslim friends

* ii had s shock of my life last night siiarh . wtf . joanna stead with ADRIANO can !? yes . the campus super star adriano . wtf larh . omg . ii cannort believe it . what is happening tturhh darhh world ?!

* talked tturhh donna on the phone till 4 plus in the mornx . hahas . its been a long time since ii last talk tturhh her on the fone . =]

* woke up at three plus in the afternoon . mom was awake . then ii watch vcd .

* its nine and im gonna watch my show ! bye bye !

9:02:00 PM

Monday, October 23

* went school . kindda boring . ran away half way . with heather . jean . cecilia and ada . went toilet . did so many stupid things there . muahahaha .

* came home . slept . amber my step sister came with daddy and aunty linda . amber's CUTE .

* going for dinner soon . thats all . bye bye :)

ii feel deadd these few days .
iim having mix feelings .
i feel alone . and ii cant
reach out tturhh
anyone . ii have scars
all over me . and it
never seems tturhh
heal . when i close my eyes .
ii see flash back of us having fun .
ii feel empty inside me .
save me from this mess .
get me outta this .
ii just wanna love like
any other ordinary
girls . i need some one now .
im falling apart ...
help me . would you ?

7:26:00 PM

Sunday, October 22

* woke up at 3 plus in the afternoon . nno one was at home . paernts went tturhh work . sigh .

* use the comp . had lotssa things tturhh do . plan for class dinner . key iin stuffs iin dahrh comp . delete nonsense stuffs . help stacey ddo her blog . and more .

* went for dinner at muthu's curry . dont now where larh . the food was nice . and ii ate ALOT . * faints * iim suppose tturhh ggo on a diet can . sighh .

* not going school tomorrow . tralalalas ~

found this quite nice . :)

Take that knife and cut me down,
From the railing where I was found,
No blood shall spill out from my veins,
I will leave no marks, no bloody stains.
My death shall be no burden felt,
As they cut me from that fatal belt,
Say a prayer, but do not cry,
Don't ache and grieve and wonder why.
I died for reasons you'll never know,
So just bury me deep and let it go,
Erase me from your train of thought,
I don't want to be remembered for the pain I brought.
So don't wollow over my memory,
Because the answers you seek you'll never see.

[[ copy riightted ]] - her BloodShed

10:48:00 PM

Saturday, October 21

happy deepavali !

* went tturhh my parveens house tturhh celebrate deepavali . met some bitches from st hilders . EWW .


* went for dinner with her down stairs my house . then went home after dhatt .

* bored . i've got nothing tturhh ddo .

me and parveen got the same ring ! =) how coincidental .

from parveen tturhh me ! =)

8:48:00 PM

Friday, October 20

* siigh . mr stranger didnt tag . =(

* i think im falling for her . more than i use to . bad thing or good thing ?

* sigh . dont wanna blog anymore .

# tturhh get good grades
# get into poly (hopefully)

three wishes ..

11:48:00 AM

Wednesday, October 18

* ii cant waiit tturhh blog ! cos some thing happen this mornx . and it really made my day .

* skipped skool tturhhdae . post exams activities always suck .

* took a bus tturhh darhh poly clinic at park way . walked in . FREEZE . the air con damn cold larhh !! fuckk . lucky gortt my story book tturhh divert my attention . so ii feel less cold . while waiting for my number at the reception area .

* finally gort my number and room number . its like all the way in . then so little people there . the more ii walk towards the room the colder it gets .WTF .

* the fucking doctor . took like soo damn long tturhh get readyy . ii gortt nno jackett . damn cold can . how poor thing . i pity myself . hahas .

* then came along this guy . ii think hhe didnt ggo skool also . hahas . he's wearing he's skool shoes . i think . he sat down . not really beside me larhh . cos got one big gap . i think he saw me keep trying tturhh makeself warm .

* he walked away . then came back with a jacket . i dont noe from where also . lol . when ii saw him hugging his jacket . im like soo jealous larh ! lols .

* then hhe walked ttowards me . hand me his jacket . he said " erm . you wan not ? " then ii was like . thank you so much . lol

* I FINALLYIE HAD WARMTH . =] ii think he himself is cold . although when ii ask him and he denied .

* before ii wentt iin tturhh see dhatt faggot doctor . ii return the jacket tturhh him . and of course . i thank him again . i borrowed the doctor's pen . wrote my blog URl on the Q number paper . than gave him when ii went out . ii ask him tturhh visit my blog .

* i dont noe how tturhh thank you . so ii decided tturhh thank you here . =] thanks a million ! ii would have died of coldness there . =] rmb tturhh trag my blog and tell me your name ! =]

* i met the sweetest stranger ever . =]

4:57:00 PM

Tuesday, October 17

* omg . for the fiirst time in my life . MIRACLES happens on me =]


* mr mayor gave us back pur literature papaer . PASS =] sweet .

* had fun during maths lesson . =] clarissa entertain me with all her tricks and riddles . LOLS .

* planning a EOY dinner for all THREE ONERS with porkk chop =]

* a big thank you tturhh all darhh peeps who cheered and care for me when ii cried on class that day . =] thanks a million . after this . ii finallyiie know dhatt . dhatt are m ore people whu cares bout me then ii expected . like julia =] love ya girlfriend !

* went LJS with mira and amrita after school . had fun . oh boy . how i love my bestest friend AMRITA KAUR . shes an angel . we always fall in love with the same thing . and the same person . =] amrita . you noe whu ?? hahahahhahas .

* i wanna but that mr bean bed sheet ! argh !




( A1 lehh. . dont play play . she gortt the highest in class =] )


paint is use on all the art pieces you see here . no other stuffs . may be black marker tturhh outline .

4:47:00 PM

Monday, October 16


* fail my social studies

* fail maths

* fail chemistry

* fail bio

* fail english .. but haven add up total score

* pass chinese

* pass art

* literature dont know yet


3:51:00 PM

Sunday, October 15

* decided tturhh blog now . cos ii've got nothing tturhh do .

* just woke up . yawns

* staying home today . again . and doing nth . sigh .

* can anyone lend me their VCDS ? im like so bored larh !!!!

* anyways . guess i'll bbe friendstering the whole day . lortssa things dhatt ii wanna ddo . =]

* im hungry . but i've got no money !!! boo hoo hoo .

* okiiesx .. iim gonna stop here . tatas .

3:38:00 PM

Saturday, October 14

* stayed home darhh whole day .

* stupid haze is making me feel so sick .

* its been so long siince ii last use friendster . hahas . so may be . ii shall start using iit agaiin =]

* iim addicted tturhh darhh song Pon De Replay by Rihanna . thankks tturhh Bring It On - All Or Nothing (niice show)

* thats nothing more tturhh blog .

* so . bye bye ! =x

10:35:00 PM

Friday, October 13

happy birthday tturhh my rwawkstarr aiishahh !!

* meet up with my lovely 2 A's at dhoby ghaut MRT station =]

* went arcade . playyed DDR .

* went tturhh check darhh movie time . watched scoop . funny movie . hahas

* throw pop corns around during the movies . me and amrita laughed alot . but most of the time . she laughing tturhh her self . FOR NO REASON .

* went bugiis after dhatt . tturhh timothys's shop . =]
* then wentt home . with aishah . im tiired ~

9:06:00 PM

Thursday, October 12

opps ! sorry ii didnt blog . hahas .

*was busy with aisihah's birthday present =]

* spent 7 hours straight doing it larhh . ** backk ache **

too tired tturhh blog . gonna sleep now .

* 7 hours of hard ship ...

5:06:00 AM

Tuesday, October 10

* its the last day of exam . and im relieved . no more burning of mid night oil ! =]

* oral sucks . had mrs chow . ii screwed it . damnn .

* took a cab tturhh aishah's house tturhh get her wallet . and off tturhh bugis we go !!!! =]

* supoose tturhh watch movie . but the movies were limited . as we went shopping instead .

* aishahh bought me a wallet from darhh wallet shop !! tokk like forever tturhh choose the RIGHT ONE . hahas . amrita and amirah kept complaining . =X

* went shopping . bought quiite alort of things =]

* had long john for lunch . and i ate like . soooooooooo much . was starving man

* went bugis street after that . saw the human like bag . we and amrita went tturhh see . and this guy who worked there was CUTE . hahas . timothy is his name =] he gave us 15% discount =] going back on saturday tturhh buy dhatt bag =]

* aiishah and i told amrita and mira that we were goinng tturhh darhh toilet . and of course . WE HAD OTHER PLANS =]

* ran round darhh whole of bugis street look for ORANGE stuffs =] for amrita's present . her upcoming birthday =]

* put all the orange stuffs inside a bag . and then . we gave it tturhh her . =] she was shocked and happy . =] she gave us a hug =]

* just as we were walking tturhh darhh bus stop . ii saw some thing . =] hahs . guess what people .


* took bus with amirah and aishah . and we went going mad in the bus .

* it started with the miss soTONG . we were quarreling over the pronunciation . hahas . aishah was like its TONG . and i pronounce it in an other way . quarreling and quarreling . then ii suddenlyiie shouted tang . lols . and we burst out laughing .

* we started giving examples like . im from kaTANG convent secondary school . LOLS . wtf .

* rent Just My Luck and im gonna watch it later =] slept like five plus all darhh way until almost ten . =]

* and now . photos time =]

a list of urls for my blog =] i finish my chem paper in 15 mins . and gortt nth better tturhh do .

us . in darhh wallet shop =]

i want these cups !!!! T.T

i ate this ALL BY MYSELF =] * teehees

wallet from aishah . from The WALLET Shop

who lives in a pineapple under the sea ?!


12:00:00 AM

Sunday, October 8

* i wish ii didnt wake up today . receive a msg from you . asking me tturhh ignore every thing dhatt you've said last night . ii knew this was gonna happen . but still . deep down . im stilll feeling so sad . i should have known that you were drunk . and i shouldnt have believe whatever you've said . i dont know whats got into me. everything is nothing but a dream . i woke up and saw that msg . tears came rolling down . but its ok . thanks for giving such beautiful memories . although i know you have long forgotten whardd you've said . maybe its just a lie .....

* went over tturhh granny's place . was grandpa's birthday today took lots of pictures with my bro . its been soo long since we last met .


the act cute siblings =]

act cute pose 1 =]

we are having so much fun ~

we are soooooo retarded

im faking a stupid smile . just to show that im ok .

9:38:00 PM

Saturday, October 7

* got pang sehh-ed by squid . he wanted tturhh study and all . but its ok la . i understand . i mean . exams aint over so .. ya . you're forgiven squid !

* went online . amrita talked to me =] I LOVE HER ! =] she skiipped school and went home . what a naughty girl right ?!

* had fun talking tturhh her online . she flooded my tagboard . so i did darhh same ~ ! =]

* went tturhh meet jim . wei jie . max . anthony at bedok . donna was there too . but didnt get tturhh meet her =[

* played pool . went for lunch . and when we came back . i saw that fella from I Not Stupid . dhatt guy who knows martial art dhatt one , the one dhatt he's father died . ya . and . he's not as good looking as he is on tv . hahas . he came with his girlfriend .

* then played pool with jasmine . and her friend . then went home .

* saw donna on darhh bus on the darhh home =] i miised her soooo very much =]

* donna went mad . i dont why . andd . donna . if you're reading this . i just wan to tell you dhatt . thankks for making me feel loved with all darhh msges =] may be you wont even rmb what you told me the next day . or maybe it was just a prank or something . but i really appreciate it and i will believe whatever things dhatt you've said tturhh me . for my sake . please storp saying those stuffs about yourself again . it doesnt hurt you . but its does to me . i dont wanna see you in this state . neither would i wanna hear you saying you that wanna die . aer you gonna leave me alone is this world ? and . lastly . my feelings for you have nothing tturhh do with her . and always rmb this . I LOVE YOU TRUCK LOADS

** go rest early ok ? and if you're still not feeling well tomorrow . go see a doctor . cos of the haze , im worried that you will fall sick . and . dont think too much . everything will be fine . i mean . even if its not . you still have me ! tturhh share your problems with =] i'll always be there for you . everybody leaves you but not angel =] always rmb dhatt =]

* to amrita the ding dong bell
hey hey ! just wanna thank you for being such a sweet and nice friend . really cheer me up when im feeling sad . and your stupidity really makes me laugh . hahas . i really cherish you as a friend . and i will never wanna lose you ~! you are one of the bestest friend ever . and i will always continue tturhh give you warmth when you're cold . and lend you a listening ear . lend you my shoulder when you cry . and supply you with many many tissue =] . from darhh bottom of my heart . you rock man ~! and i really love you !!!!!! =D

11:24:00 AM

Friday, October 6

* hahas ! i couldnt wake up this mornx . lol . sorry cecilia ! =X

* went tturhh meet melvin at park way . then we go find kin kor kor . =]

* went tturhh meet jing wen . xiao baii liian , his stead and jerren came along . then they went jerren's house .

* then play pool with louis ( the pro ) he's cute =]

* went jerren's huose for a while . then went home .

* can home . vomited . =.= stupid haze . make me so sick .

* played carom with mel . melvin gold medal lerhh wor !! =]

* then now . talking tturhh aiishah and watching ghost whisperer

10:48:00 PM

Thursday, October 5

* was too busy with my art stuffs last nigh . so didnt blog . apologise .

* had maths paper 2 today . oh my gosh . damn difficult larhh . im shure ii will fail with f~l~y~i~n~g colurs =]

* chiong my art in darhh art room during darhh less then one hour break in between darhh papers . with leng bing . lys . chitra . shi min .

* went tturhh eat with chitra lys and annie . my god . annie is a damn babi larh can . she fucking can eat bodoh ! sigh . i pity lys . tsk tsk

* went for a breather after dhatt . then went home . use my art stuffs . peggy tan didnt alow us tturhh wash in skool . =.= and of course ! im a good student i bring go home wash . hahas .

* lao gong coming give me chem notes for my chem EOY ! thanks lao gong ! oh ! and i want dhatt cake too !! =]

* tomorrow mornx my house oopen party . LOLS . xiia lann kiia coming for SOME THING . heather coming tturhh pass me my heels . then i told aiishah and amrita to meet me at my house also . hahahs .

* talking tturhh cecilia . and some unknown people . hahas . then gonna check mails .

* good night and swiit dreams people . rmb tturhh dream of me . LOLS . =X

10:17:00 PM

Tuesday, October 3

* i gave you the last min of 02.10.06 . trying hard to not to believe all this is actually happening tturhh me .

* history paper was a disaster . fuck .

* i spend the whole night studying . even made en effort tturhh wake up an hour before the time i wake up . fucking hell . the paper come out with some shit question .

* went for breakfast with jean . pork chop . clarissa

* went back tturhh school for oral .

* did art with yan chee . lys . pork chop annie at the void deck outside school . they did my art for me ~! thankks a miliion people !

* went home . slept . had dinner . watching tv now . gonna sleep soon .

* not gonna study for maths tomolo . CONFIRM FAIL LA .

doing art =] chitra came tturhh visit us . hahas .

yan chee and pork chop . engross in helping me with my art . thankks !

stupid annie . lol . torturing the cockroach . and scary us with it =.=

one of prok chops drawing - jay chou

me and shi min . =]

9:40:00 PM

Monday, October 2

* had bio paper . TOTALLY SCREWD IT . nothing went into my jelly brain . hahas . everything i read just bounce off .

* went for breakfast with pork chop and clarissa after the paper . then went for a breather after that . then study downstairs my block .

* had lit paper after dhatt . was ok . hahas . wrote a two and the half page answer for darhh fiirst question . for the first time . lols .

* went for another breather with ******* then after dhatt . we sat down and chatted for a while . then went home

* had my beauty sleep =]

* woke up had dinner . and now . im gonna study ~ wish me luck for tomorrow's ss paper !

8:19:00 PM

Sunday, October 1

tiiring day tturhhdae ~

*woke up . saw 3 missed calls . from wei lun and tee kuen . returned call . went tturhh meet tee kuen , emily and wei lun at ah gong's house which is three levels down my storey .

* smoke smoke and more smoking . went home after dhatt tturhh change . then went tturhh meet jasper and eugene . went east coast after that =]

* DDR ! damn long didnt play already . hahas . went bowling after that . went to the beach after that . then jasper and eugene gotta go . so left me emily and wei lun .

* sat there for a while . talk talk talk . then went home =]

* went for dinner with parents . at lavender .

* gonna study now . =] suppose tturhh study in the afternoon larh . but then too much distractions . so the books i bought are useless .

* IM TIRED ~ =.= sighhhhhh .

theres nth mroe i can say . no words can ever express how sorry i feel . i just wish that i can turn back time .

8:48:00 PM

Saturday, September 30

rain rain rain ~

* started raining damn heavily went i step out of darhh house . =.= too much of a coincidence ?

* went for a couple of games of pool wiith jim . saw judy there too . =

* wei jie came tturhh meet us . he say he went buy present . so we went bugis tturhh meet sebas

* bought myself a pair of levis jeans ! =]] lalalas

* went home after dhatt . and now . doing nth ~ ! bored !!

10:52:00 PM

Friday, September 29

* my comp broke down due to some stupid virus . so i had tturhh sent it for repair . its now back tturhh me ~ ! yay ! =]

* school is ok . exmas coming AGAIN . but only for one more week .

* went tturhh seven eleven after school with amrita . tina . and sheryl . LOL . its was damn funny la . amrita said tturhh sheryl " shall we buy all these !? " and so . the usual angel . i took different different kinds of chips and just gave it to amrita . LOL . it was damn funny larh !! hahas . me and tina took pics of her . HOW EVIL ! =]

amrita and her chips ~! lol .

jing wen say if i get all As (like as if i can ) he will buy me a box of chocolates ! so must study hard ! JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU ! =]

* problems problems problems . when will it all STOP . getting sick and tired of all these problems . one comes after another .


* carom with octopus . mel . DDL andd err zii . hahas . iits been a longgg time ~ hahas . but then ting fong and squid wasnt there =[

* thanks you prok chop and tennis ball melissa . thankks forr darhh support . maybe . iits time . i let ggo . and leave them in peace .

* just let me die .... all these stress are way too much for me turhh handle . i need a break .

11:52:00 PM

Monday, September 25

* english paper today . quiite easy . guna doesnt know to tturhh set paper . enlighs paper . she give us maths and bio question . WTF .

* went park way with jean . pork chop . lys . amirah . daddy . melissa for a while . then went home

* took a nap and played diablo . hahas . damn scary larhh ! bloddy game ! fought this monster called blood raven . my heart beat until damn fast siiarh ! lol . hands were shivering too . hahas . diablo is a bloody game =D

* hate my family . TOTALLY suck . fucking stressed up . the only way to de-stress is to hang around with my friend in school . sigh . use comp for a while also kpkb . also not say i never study . WTF .

9:34:00 PM

Saturday, September 23

happy birthday jim !

* went tturhh buy BBQ stuffs for jim's BBQ . ii couldnt go . =(

* went valley for pool . tio trash by birthday boy siiarh . wa lao . si bei tyco . LOLS .

* went home after dhatt . NOTHING TO DO .


9:34:00 PM

Friday, September 22

* cant stand c******'s attitude . OMG . freaking pissing me off . i mean . if you had bad day . or you didnt sleep well the previous night etc etc . you dont needa vent your anger on other people you know ? people trying to be kind here . ask you are you ok . then you give one lan jiao bin . knn .

* miss chua gave us the mark list for us to sign . and check our marks . and ii gortt secondd iin class forr biio . hahas . yea ~ got a 64/100 =]

* maths was fun today . mr lee gave us the springfield sec final term paper for 3 NA/NT . EASY . for darhh fiirst time ii had no difficulties in doind maths man . lol . IM PROUD OF MYSELF =D

* english lesson was damn boring . stoopid ms wee . she's getting on my nerves .

* some one told me dhatt SHE is gonna tell mr lee dhatt ii copied during bio CA . =.= PURE STUPID . she herself copied larh . still wan tell . use a lil bit of your brains larh girl . but whatever . say whatever you wan . im nort afraid . DON'T START WITH ME . YOU WONT WIN . bitch .

* exams are around darhh corner . sigh . better start studying now . english paper is on m onday ! argh !

10:54:00 PM

Thursday, September 21

I PASSED MY LIT ! yay !! hahas . i got a 16 =] hahas . amrita is the clown today . LOLS . she just makes me laugh when im sad . hahas . i just love her so much ! AMRITA AND AISHAH ! I LOVE YOU GUYS ! once again . amrita got herself wet . hahas . she was trying to make nisa scared . but in darhh end . the balloon burst on her . LOLS . went for lunch with my two besties . fun ! hahas . and ii finalyiie took pitures after my ugly hair cut . aishah and amrita is buying me wallet ! yay !!

i shall change my way of blogging =]

its miss . bitch and bitch wax <3

fan of Mr Bean =]

lao gong ~ hahas .

its US again .

she just loves me SO very much =D


8:51:00 PM

Wednesday, September 20

art lesson was fun today . managed to finish all 26 drawings . sleep throughout social study . DAMN SHIOK . over all school was ok la . lots of laughing as usual . and i found out that AMRITA CANT COUNT WITH HER FINGERS ! her fourth finger is paralysed . LOLS . poor amrita .

im like damn depress . i think i've fallen in love with her . but i dont think she knows . im just feeling damn stress . i dont know what to do . how should i express my feelings ? and what should i tell him ? i've hurt him so badly . and i cant do it anymore . but i just cant storp thinking of her . i think that she has some one in mind . im depressed of love . im depressed of freedom . i cant take all these stress . i will die . i need some one . some one to hear me out . i need a shoulder . for me to lean on . i need a pair of hands . to help me clean away my tears . i need a heart . and melt my heart of stone . i just need you . im feeling so alone .

you may see me smiling and enjoying myself . but look into my eyes . and stare hard . what you will see is pure sadness . a girl with tears in her eyes . it seems like her tear will never dry up . shes hurt shes depress she alone .


11:07:00 PM

Tuesday, September 19

happy birthday eleana ! x)

had literature test today . confirm fail lerh . its damn difficult la . sigh* maths was fun today . hahas . only 6 people were in class . the rest got send outta class as punishment by mr lee cos we didnt do our home work . lols . what a punishment man . hahas . we were playing . laughing . jokes . going about the school visiting friend . he didnt even know larh ! hahas . then he use assembly period for maths also . =.= those lucky bitch from F&N like AMRITA can happily skip maths . argh ! but over all iits still ok la . got aishah sit beside me . laugh until i almost died la ! i seriously went outts breadth and my tummy hurts . lol . love ya aishah !

pics are post on my shopping blog ! yay ! and WYRON is my first customer ! thanks a million wyron ! please support my blog poeple !


8:34:00 PM

Monday, September 18

tiired tiired tiired ~ slept for only 3 hours or less . damn tired =.= school was ok . a to the power of four went mad . kept laughing noon storp . hahas . went park way after school for pastamania . =] met donna and wendy after dhatt . then went home . jus finish 4 hours of art . gonna continue again . DAMN TIRED ARHS !

8:51:00 PM

Saturday, September 16

i finally did my shopping blog ! hahas . i did it ALL BY MYSELF . im proud ! x) please support ! if you have anything to donate please tell me !

things you can donate :
* t shirts
* jeans
* skirt
* ear rings
* necklaces
* cds
* bags
* nice tops

please make sure that the things must be in good condition =]

i love you i love you i love you ! dont break my lil heart . im still fragile .

14.09.06 the day i was made yours

10:49:00 AM

Friday, September 15

happy birthday khai ! <3
was khai's birthday today . we gave her the BEST birthday present ever ! =D mira bout ballons to school . after P.E we went to the toilet and filled up the ballons . waited for recess to come . it seem FOREVER . finally recess came . we told her dhatt we have a present for her . but can only give it ti her in darhh toilet . hahas . the moment she stepped into the toilet . WATER BALLOON FIGHT !! she was super wet . hahas . has lots of fun . went to meet bimandhra after school at park way then went home after that . tired ~

10:54:00 PM

Thursday, September 14

school was fine today . mr mayor didnt come to school . so we had to go to the canteen . stupid mrs sng . conducting spot check . there goes my beloved long nails ~ sobbs T.T had mother toungue after recess . was sitting with julia . after that ms teh gotta go settle something , so she left early . then me and julia started edited the my hump song by black eyed peas . too maii hum . whihc means dont want hum in hokkien . lol . its damn funny . hahas . stayed back after school today in class . had lots of fun ! zara wa outside class , she came into class with the johnny bravo kinda hair . than me and pork chop did darhh jonny bravo action . like '' wuu ha ! " hahas . thans the whole class started doing that together . lol ! damn funny la !

went park way after that with aishah and amrita to get tasneem's birthaday present. went mini toons . aishah saw that green tortoise and she was like talking to the tortoise . " you are so cute . you are so cute you know that ? do you know how cute you are ? " then im like . hello ? aishah , are you ok ? lols . so i secretlly bout it for her . she was over the moon . hahas . she bought me and white hair band ! love it ! love ya aishah ! bought a pair of key chains for me and aiishah . hahas . damn cute. =) bought a mr bean key chain and a box of small small plaster too ! and we are sooo gonna sabo khai tomorrow . its her birthday !!

A tturhh darhh power of four will NOT be forgotten ! <3


9:28:00 PM

Wednesday, September 13

was damn for the past few days . stayed up till late to finish my work . skipped my beauty sleep also . =x hahas . finally today got time to blog . phew ~
school was fine . funny as usal . did lots of stupid stuffs with amrita . and we are like so into MR . BEAN hahahs . kept singing the theme song . and did that stupid dance . =) had lots of fun with my darling amrita . love her lots !

9:34:00 PM

Saturday, September 9

happy birthday jasper and evee meii meii !! <3
went to meet jasper and eugene at plaza sing . then wei lun ,, tee kuen ,, evee ,, jian bing ,, cute cute ,, gerald ,, and the other girls came to meet us . went pastamania to have lunch . then walk around after that . bought new school shoes at bata . went mac to slck . then i went home . so siian today . sighh .

10:35:00 PM

Friday, September 8

i wanna cry !

first ::
my hair sucks BIG TIME . went toni and guy for a hair cut . took like 2 freaking hours . and the results turn out lyke shit . my my hair is lyke fucking short and ugly ? its lyke RETRO you know . AND I DONT LIKE IT .

second ::
my damn sickness is not recovering . im feeling damn terrible . cant even drink plain water . cos the taste sucks . feel damn drowsy all the time .

third ::

fourth ::
that bloody bitch told the whole world what happen larh . not really what happen . i dont think she told people that she got beaten up . only tell them say . " im not on talking terms with angel " . mimi ask me bout whardd heppen . and im lykke surprised that he knows bout me and her . she told azman then azman tell mi mi . one big happy family . HOW WONDERFUL . =.=

9:50:00 PM

Thursday, September 7

burrr . im sickk ~ feeling so terrible today . went to grand's place . granny was sick . poor her . but she's fine now . at least she manage to eat a lil bit =) my heart is at ease now . saw amber (step sista) cute lil girl . powerful legs she have . hahahs . was damn sick the whole day . drowsy drowsy drowsy . sigh .. talking to donna on line now . gtg . tatas ~

9:40:00 PM

Wednesday, September 6

im damn damn sick la ! body ache .. flu .. runny nose .. cough .. sore throat .. slight fever .. brrrrrr . but donna is such a sweet person . she bought me sweets ! but she arsk shu hui to pass it to me . hahs . thankks donna ! love ya !

11:06:00 PM

Tuesday, September 5

had fun in sentosa today . played in the water . drank . smoked . went cycling . and amrita almost got bang by a bus . LOLs . she is soooooooo FRAGILE man . hahahs . and she seriously cant eat a burger . she keeps dropping the lettuce all over ! until she heraself got irritated . hahahahs . we went cycling around sentosa . went up slopes . DANM TIRED . was late for 20 or so . bloody uncle fined us 7 bucks . ass hole .


my three daughters .

A to the power of four =)

i saw my good friend . hahas. saw it at esplanade the other day .

you have no idea how much i love her <3

bathe bathe bathe ~

our smelly feets .

so gangster . tsk tsk .

bacardi brezzer .

ma and aiishah

alicia's and amirah's hand and us !

camera shy ! =x

all of us .


11:06:00 PM

Monday, September 4

poor me ! im having sore throat !! =\ ohh . that crocodile man died today . so sad . he's heart was pierced by the stingray's venomous tail . so . i see alort of tortoises on msn . hahahs . im one of them . and i eventually got donna to put that tortoise and his picture on her dp too . hahahas . i was happilly irritating donna with my nudging on msn . and instant nudging on the phone . hahas . DONNA IS CUTE <3

9:48:00 PM

due to some irritaing biacth . diidnt manage to blog bout my trip to the esplanade . but nevertheless . im still blog bout it .


left house at 12 plus . went to meet max for pool at valley . ( i won him . wakaka . ) then met jim at bedok mrt staion . took train down to city hall to meet evelyn . who eventually became our tour guide . hahahahahahahahas . tour around the esplanade was SPLENDID . hahahs . had lots of fun . took lorts of pics too . max counted few steps i take .. i will be like '' eh ! take picture ! take picture ! " hahas . CAMWHORE
went for PASTAMANIA at tm after that . ooo - la la im loving it =) pastamania rocks .

here are some pics . ENJOY. <3>

walking to esplanade =)

from top right . max ,, jim ,, evelyn and me

then we came across this shop . full of bears . and i saw this bear ...........

damn big right !! i want this bear !!!! T.T

me and evelyn

thoughts of an art student .

the liu lian ..

im gonna work in one of these building when i grow up . =)

me max and jim . * the sun is killing my eyes *

LOL . i mut somment on this pic . hahahahhahs .

cos we were suppose to take this pic by ourself . then came along this ang moh . he saw us having diificulties tryiin to get everyone in the pic . so he did the taking picture hand sign and siad ' take pictures ? ' then i said ' yea ! yea ! take picture ! ' in a kinnda funny way . its was damn funny la ! then he counted okiie ladys and boy . so max jeked jim . then jim cannot tahan . he sorta luaghed out . thus . he's face beocme lidat . lol .

walking towards the beautiful merlion =)


walking down an empty street .


9:48:00 PM