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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Wednesday, April 12

yipee ! iim miitiin him tomolo morniin !!! yay !!!!!!!!!!! tomolo habiin sports daee at bedokk stadiium. kekex.. miitiin him before dat. wakaka.. shoo hapiie.. =p...

7:15:00 PM

Thursday, April 6

happiie aniiversary dearr !! haiishh.. iits a bad monthh forr us.. eberiityngg seems shoo veriie wrong.. urr feeliins osho fadde lerhh.. haiishh.. ii realiie donchh n0e wadd tto saee.. iib eberr dere will be one daee.. datt euu are gonna leave miie.. ii wunn holdd on tto euu.. coshh ii n0ee datt ii am n0rtt derr one datt euu are lookiin for.. ii faill tto be a gudd steadd.. ii culdntt be obb help when euu are habbiin problemms iinsteadd ii keptt complaiinin datt tyngs are goiin wrong.. iim sowiie datt ii eberr suspect datt euu were habiin an arderr gurll fwenn outt dere.. ii sowiie ii diidnnt trustt euu enough.. haiishh.. jus hope datt eberiityyng will go smoothly.. ii will lurbbe euu alwaess.. muackks..

deadd `blurr

10:07:00 PM

Wednesday, April 5

ii donchh noe wadd to saee.. ii hatee todaee larhh.. shoo many problems.. fuckkiin hell.. he(muii steadd) did iit agaiin.. he toldd miiehis feeliings fadded.. andd iishh onliie leftt wiib a biit.. ii donchh tiinnkk we can pass derr 2th montth.. haiishh.. sobbs.. whyiie mustt eberiityyng turnn outt liidatt.........................

Do euu remember?
Derr saee euu first called andd derr daee we first met ?
Though ii wasnt too iimpressedd
Still, ii addmiit you habb captured muii heart.
Siincee derr moment euu were honouredd as muii mann,
Muii life hass changed tto a fairytale shoo swiit.
Ii believed euu were derr person iin muii dreams
Datt godd brought tto life.
Though derr waves turnn harsh sumtymmes,
We managed tto go through tough sttagess together
ii tot we habb madde iit successfully
butt tyngs juss becumm worst
until todaee, euu are still silent
euu left leaviin unanswerdd questiionn forr mie
ii donchh noee whyiie andd wadd happened
all ii cann do iishh guess andd assume.
Though muii lipps said ii ddo nortt crae
butt deep iin muii miindd and heart
ii haventt andd ii cantt no matter how ii tryiie
muii eyes are still blinndedd by urr romance
all ii cann do now
iishh cryiie soundlesslyiie andd pray
datt, tyngs will work outt between us
andd derr love we habb will nortt turnn tto hatredd

deadd blurr
she's breakiin downn...

1:20:00 AM

Monday, April 3

hey hey.. omg.. shoo long siince ii lastt blog.. haiishh.. iim shoo super ultra fuckkiin stress larhh.. haiishh.. ii tiinkk he's feeliins fadded.. =( he seems to lyyke treatt miie shoo super ultra cold larhh.. can two daees donchh msg or corr miie.. haiishh.. wann tokk to hiim oshoo shoo difficultt.. haiishh.. ii donchh noee whetherr ii diid summtyng or wadd norr.. haiishh.. iim damnn scaredd datt miie andd hiim wunn pass tiishh monthh norr.. sobbs.. eberrityme tiinkk boutt hiim andd derr waee he treatt miie and all.. tears will roll downn.. haiishh.. luckyiie gortt darrel and muii biitches by muii.. iib nortt ii will realiie diie lorr.. haiish.. ii cryiie iin skool lastt friidaee.. ii wass tokkin to lys boutt him.. derr wae he treatted miie and all.. lys was lyyke.. may be he diidnt habb feeliings forr euu from derr startt.. or his feeliins faded.. ii was damnn lostt and confuse larhh.. finally forr datt one week plus ii criied untill damnn badly larhh.. ii wass realii damnn stress and sadd larhh.. ii realiie donchh noe wadd to do now.. haiishh.. whenn ii gave him a mini ziippo for our one month annieversary wiib his name carved on iit. denn he diidnt lykke iit. shoo he gave iit backk to miie.. he actually rejected muii present larhh.. kaox.. denn ii threww derr damnn tyng iin derr biin.. denn ii toldd hiim saee.. '' eh.. ii threww urr liighterr awaee '' he wass lyke ''orhh.. okiie '' haiishh.. muii hartt realli brokke larhh.. wadd derr hell.. he juss donchh care.. he diidnt ebenn habb a tot forr muii feeliings larhh.. sobbs.. goiin to two months lerhh.. haiishh.. he iishh lyyke treatiin miie damnn coldd larhh.. iits seems to miie datt we are jus normal fwenns larhh.. derr onliie difference iish datt we corr eachh arderr 'dearr' and 'darr' andd he kiips hidiin tyngs from miie larhh.. ii donchh noe wadds he's doiin outsiide.. when ii askk him boutt his probs andd all he wass lyke '' tell euu forr wadd. tell euu euu oshoo cannortt do aniityng wad'' ii meann lykke wadd der fuckk larhh.. att leastt ii habb derr riite to noee riite.. ii meann evenn iib ii cantt be obb help.. at leastt euu noee datt euu will habb sum one who will care and liistens to urr problems riite.. summtymes ii juss wonder to muii slelf.. wadd does he takke miie as? am ii realiie datt unimportant to him ?? ii noe he has problems wiith work.. family. or fwenns. or wadd so everr.. he shuldd habb tot boutt muii feeliin too riite.. ii oshoo a human cann.. ii habb FEELINGS. ii will feel SAD too.. ii cryiied shoo much forr hiim. and wass iin a badd mood for donchh noe how many daess iin skooll.. iin exchange ii juss gortt a '' tell her to be more mature can? tishh type obb tyng osho wan to cryiie ? for wadd siiarhh ? ii donchh understand.. '' he toldd eleana to tell miie datt larhh.. he jus donchh underrstandd how ii feel.. ii meann.. evenn iib ii wann.. do euu tiikk ii will evenn standd a chance to do datt ? most obb derr tyyme he will be outt wiib his fwenns or uncle.. haiishh.. ii realiie lostt.. ii donchh wann tiishh relationship to endd juss lyyke datt.. cann aniione tell miie wadd am ii suppose to do?? iim lyyke fuckiin lostt now..


DARREL - thankks forr beiing dere forr miie all dese whiile.. thankks euu forr listennin too all muii sorrows and crapps. thankk euu forr makkiin me happy when i wass feeliin low.. thanks forr shariin muii hapiines wiib miie.. thankk euu forr all derr stuff datt euu diid forr miie.. thankk euu forr goiin throughh wiib derr hardestt tymmes.. whenn iim sadd and low.. and wuldd be derr fiirst one to be dere.. ii neberr niid to tell euu aniityng coshh euu wuldd alwaess noe how wadd ii wass gonna saee. ii neberr niid to speakk a wordd coshh euu will noe how ii feel.. ii realiie thankful datt ii habb euu as a fwenn. euu wuldd neberr be forgortten or replaced iin muii hartt.. thankks forr all derr tyngs euu did.. ii seriiousllyiie apprciiatted iit alortt.. THANKKS A MILLION. .

ELEANA and ELYSSA - hey biitchh.. thankks forr all derr hugs whenn ii criied datt daee.. and for understandiin miie.. ii noe eleana iish oshoo habbiin trouble wiib HS. iib deres aniityme whenn euu niid a listenin ear juss giime a riing yarr ?? ii will be derre forr euu.. promiise.. and thankk you both forr comfortiin miie when iim sadd.. andd derr tyngs euu did forr miie . thank euu forr nortt givin up hope on miie.. sowiie for derr daess whenn ii habb muii PMS.. euu people were one obb derr VICTIMS. hahas.. thankks forr beiing shoo understandiin.. biitchhes forreberr.. =)

ii wiishh datt we culdd go backk to how we were iin derr begining....

deadd blurr
she lostt.....

1:07:00 AM