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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Saturday, May 27

waaaaaa ... damnn unwell todaee larhh .. damnn damnn sickk cann .. andd iim habiin feverr oshoo .. totalyiie no strengthh siiarhh .. haiishh .. nth ttu blogg ttodaee .. hmm gortt horror show on channell fiive now.. gonna go watchh iit.. buhbuaiis peep..

10:37:00 PM

Friday, May 26

holiddaee anr finallyiie here larhh ! my god ... oh ! ii gortt backk muii reportt book todaee .. andd guess wadd ?? ii pasedd !! hahasx !! ii passeedd muii eng , chiinesee andd artt .. wakaka .. andd muii class posiitiionn wass 16th .. hahas .. yeahh man .. lols ..

wentt ttu kbox wiib muii bro andd hiis fwenns .. hahasx .. damnn funn larhh .. andd iim habbin a feeliin datt ii am gettiin ssickkerr .. fuckk ..

10:59:00 PM

Thursday, May 25

tralalalas ~ neberr ggo skool todaee.. hahas.. lys andd zed came ttu viisit miie !!! so swiit yarr ??!! hahas.. ms low leave lerhh.. haiishh.. derr three oners aree gonna miishh her ma !!! lalas ~! ntth ttu blogg larhh.. piics tiime !!

hahas.. ii juss lurrve muii gurllfrenn.. =p

miie andd ms low aka muii gurlfrenn at her farewell partyiie at 301 ...

three cheers forr ms low andd all artt studentt ob 301 ~ ! hiip hiip hooray !!!

9:00:00 PM

Wednesday, May 24

iim siickk !! argh.. damnn sickk todaee larhh.. damnn iit.. toopiid MRS BOEY go iiritate miie.. denn kene scoldiin from mie.. wakaka.. serve her rtye man !! people siickk still diisturbb !! humpphs.. shoo freakiin drowsyyiie abterr takiin mediciine.. hmmm.. nth muchh happenned ttodaee.. oh ! ii shuldd startt posttiin piics.. wakaka.. nexxt tymee larhh.. todaee damnn siiann. ii donchh waqnn go skool tomolo larhh.. but cannort tomolo gortt foto takiin !!! wakaka.. tiinkk iim goiin home abterr foto takiin ttu escape 3 PERIODS OF MATHS.. wakaka.. kkaees.. shall stop here !

11:26:00 PM

Tuesday, May 23

okiie.. derr trutth iishh outt.. so.. derr persoon datt iishh lyiin derr whole tymme wass SJ.. yarr ii noee.. wtf/wth/huh ??!! rtyye.. haiishh.. ii oshoo canntt beliieve siiarhh !! kaosx.. she tottalyiie lykke disappoiintt miie.. haiish.. was forr all derr tyngss ii saiid boutt lys andd eleana.. I WANNA SINCERLYIE (ii donchh noe how ttu spell) APOLOGISE TO THEM. now datt eberriityng iishh solvedd.. andd derr three biitchhess all fwenns/siistarrs agaiinn!!! ii finalyiie cann sleepp iin peace !! yeshhterrdaee ii cutt muiiseff unttill damnn terrible larhh.. haiishh.. but neberr miindd.. ii donchh expectt eleana andd lys ttu forrgiive miie forr ii saiidd yeshhterradee.. butt as siistarrs.. ii seeriiouslyiie cantt liie ttu demm.. althoughh ii noee datt deyy will be damn damn farkiinn angryiie wiib miie.. but.. sooner or later dey osho will noe.. so.. to lys and eleana.. IM SORRY FOR WHAT I'VE WROTE. I BELIEVE SJ INSTEAD OF EUU ALL. REALLIE VERY SORRY

8:17:00 PM

Monday, May 22

greatt.. ii changgedd muii webbiie.. shoo dosee iiddioots wunn be polluttiing muii blogg.. suckkers ! haiishh.. damnn stress todaee larh.. decidedd tto blog earliie coshh donchh tiinkk i'll be sleepiin late toniite. yar.. todaee.. iin skool.. miie and lys tokked.. andd lys foundd outt datt miie andd eleana wentt outt wiib sj on satturrdaee.. as ii wass toldd. venus saw us.. but.. sj toldd miie saee.. eleana iishh derr one.. telliin lys eberiityng.. andd spreadiin rumorrs datt ah hwa.. or ah hua.. (waddeberr name iishh) go beatt upp sj.. denn makke untiil now sj andd braderrs gortt inner confliictt.. she still cann actt as iif nth happenn larhh !! my god! ii meann.. lykke.. WAD DER HELL IS WRONG WIB HER ??!!! she corredd miie andd saee... ''ehh !!! big problemm !!ah hua corr miie juss now andd askk iib ii wass derr one whu spreadd derr rumorr saee she beatt sj.. !! how how how ??! " denn ii wass lykke.. whyiie are euu shoo anxiious ?? iits nortt ebenn urr prob.. andd euu are SO NOT involvedd iin derr tyng.. UNLESS EUU DID SUMTYNG WRONG LARH.. but shee deniied.. (lykke duhh.. whuu wuldd admitt..) argh !! wtf man.. justt ONE eleana.. andd she cause lykke wadd ?? MILLIONS AND BILLIONS obb problemms ?? she's one hell of a farkiin gudd biitchh man !! wass tottalyiie damn diisapooiint larhh !! now.. sj go miit herr braderr.. andd derre iish a possibilty obb her getiin beatten upp... all thankks ttu whu ?? ELEANA LIM.. how greatt iishh datt ?! fuckk mann.. denn now.. lys hang outt wiib muii " DEAREST" daddyiie.. EVELYN TEO SER HUI.. she use ttu hate herr andd nortt juss her.. thee fourr biitchhess hattedd herr lykke siiao larhh.. andd she still cann go wiib her.. summore tell leng bing saee she donchh trustt eleana andd miie.. ii meann lykke.. as gudd fwenns.. or siisttarrs.. shuldntt she habb a basiic truustt iin us?? iinsteadd obb chosiin ttu believe us.. she suspectted datt miie andd sj gort undergroundd affaiir... WHICH IS NOT TRUE BY THE WAY.. andd summore sj ishh her steadd lor.. ii admiit datt ii ddo lykke sj.. BUT.. iii diidntt iintendd ttu breakk lys andd sj upp larhh.. coshh ii takke her as muii gudd fwenn.. she suspecttedd us coshh we kiip msgiin andd tokkiin on derr fone untiil damn late.. but datts all euu noe.. NOTHING ELSE!! wadd iishh dere ttu worryiie and scaredd boutt??? andd summore sj REALIIE lykke lys alortt.. SHE SHULD NOE BETTER.. at leastt she shuldd trustt herr steadd ebenn iib she donchh trustt miie rtye.. kaosx.. oh andd btw.. deyy brokke upp... haiishh... tomolo iishh gonna suckk ii tell euu.. eberriityng iishh so WRONG..ttu tiinkk datt miie andd sj shoo trustt herr (eleana).. lett her conferrence wiib us and tokk boutt us andd lys.. whichh doentt ebenn concernn boutt her AT ALL.. andd ebenn askk herr ttu go outt wiib uss ttu habb fun.. argh !!!!!! fuckk herr man.. ccb.. come ttu tiinkk obb iit.. ii tiinkk.. iits all muii faultt larhh.. haiishh.. eleana toldd miie saee ii shuldd TOTTALYIIE CUT CONTACT WITH SJ... or LOSE DER FOUR BITCHES.. iits damnn hardd forr miie ttu makke a choiice euu noe?? one iishh muii gudd fwenn andd der arderr one iishh derr persoon ii lykke how ttu choose euu tell miie ?!?! iits easy tu saee butt hardd ttu ddo iit euu noee.. all she (eleana) ddo iishh ttu juss openn herr GOD DAMNN BIG mouthh.. andd exppectt miie ttu ddo iit.. iisntt datt selffiishh obb her?? ii meann.. iib she iishh iin muii shoes.. ii donchh tiinkk she will be able ttu do iit larhh.. cantt she juss spare a tott forr muii feeliins ?? butt iib realiie datt will solve derr problemms.. ii wuldd ratherr sacrifiice muiiselff andd suffer alone andd lett themm (sj.. eleana.. lys..) be happiie.. ii wuldd giive upp bothh lorr.. haiishh.. coshh att derr endd obb derr daee.. iits all muii faultt.. haiishh.. THE DAY IS RUIN THANKS TO ELEANA LIM... ** suchh a suckker.. and a FARKIIN guud actress *

8:47:00 PM

Sunday, May 21

kaosx.. damnn siiann siiarhh todaee.. slackk att homee derr wholee daee.. haiishh.. ntth ttu blogg todaee.. ciiaos ~

11:41:00 PM

Saturday, May 20

wentt outt wiib eleana andd ray ttu watchh moviie att cine todaee.. hahas.. we watchhedd ' OVER THE HEDGE '.. hahas.. iits wass damnn farnii larhh.. butt ii see rayy lykke siiann siiann liiddatt.. but she saee shee's nortt.. butt cann tell datt shee damnn siian larhh..

denn abbterr datt.. we wentt ttu his housee.. hahas.. his mom wass damnn niice larhh.. she showedd us ray's foto whenn he was youngg !!! damnn cute larhh !! lols.. soo fatt andd chubbyy.. denn miie andd eleana wass lykke makiin fun obb him.. wakaka...

hmm... we hadd alortt obb funn larhh.. hahas.. lurrve todae ~ ~ ~ ! !!

`bLuRr iishh DEADD **

11:47:00 PM

Friday, May 19

YAWNS ~ wentt ttu miit sj earliie iin derr mornx.. six thirrtyiie.. she gave miie a PIG !!! whiichh iishh lykke so cute larhh !!! hahas.. thankks sj !! gu niang ~ ~

10:03:00 PM

Thursday, May 18

hahas ~ ! euu noee wadd ??! hahas... ii gortt 16/100 forr muii maths.. lols.. waddeberr larhh.. mathss juss suckks biig tymme mann.. grr.. so iiritatiin.. MATHS SUCKS MAN !

haiishh.. todaee skool soo siiann.. hee.. oh.. yarr.. ii rape eleana at 7-11 todaee.. wakaka.. she wass screamiing screamiing away ~ ~ wakaka.. poor tynng..

10:03:00 PM

hahas.. ii gortt gudd news people !! hahas.. lala ~ ~ ii top muii class iin chinnese !! yeahh !! andd iim one obb derr 17 people whu pass engliishh.. wakaka.. happiie siiarhh.. butt derr restt obb derr paperr confiirm faiil derhh larhh.. siianns.. lols..
hmm.. abterr skool todaee wentt parkkwaee wiib sj andd derr arderr three biitchhes.. so funn !! miie and sj takke lottsa piics togetherr !!! hahas.. iits fun fun fun ~ ~ hahas.. denn we oshoo hadd SAUCE FIGHT at KFC.. hahas.. she's suchh an ass !!! she go putt sauce all oberr muii face larhh !! grr.. but ii hadd muii revenge.. so iits okiie.. hahas.. oh yarr !! btw.. herr new niickk name iish GU NIANG ~ ! hahas.. andd CARTOON ~ SO CUUTE !!!

12:03:00 AM

Tuesday, May 16

happiie marrderrs daee peoplee !!!!! =D hahas.. eberribordii shall go kiishh deiirr moms todaee yar?? hahas.. bleahhs... ciiaoxx ~ ~

4:35:00 AM

Monday, May 15

greatt.. muii ''aunt'' came ttu viisiitt miie todaee.. damnn.. andd ii forgrtt all boutt iit andd cann hapiilyiie go eatt iice creamm wiib heatherr.. -_-''' andd iim habbiin crampss derr whole damnn daee larhh.. omg.. fuckk siiarhh.. damnn paiin larhh.. tiishh iishh one tyyng ii hatte boutt beiin a gurll man.. iit totallyiie SUCKS... big tymme !!

11:35:00 AM

Sunday, May 14

harrlow people.. iib euu habb anii clothess datt euu donchh wann orr euu cantt fit.. euu cann gibb demm ttu miie !! iim gonna sell demm on derr net.. hahas.. iim freakiin iin niid ibb money n0w euu see.. yar.. soo iib eu are kind enoughh... please donate stuffs datt euu donchh wann ttu miie.. but makke sure iits iin gudd conditiion yarr??

stuffs euu cann donatte.. ::
- belts
- tee-shirtts
- spags
- tube
- heels
- shoes
- wallets
- purse
- jeans
- pants
- skirt
- sweater
- jacket
- hand bags
- school baggs

PLEASE HELP... thankks.. aniityngg juss tag miie... hope ttu hear from euu guys !!

12:17:00 AM

harrlow people.. iib euu habb anii clothess datt euu donchh wann orr euu cantt fit.. euu cann gibb demm ttu miie !! iim gonna sell demm on derr net.. hahas.. iim freakiin iin niid ibb money n0w euu see.. yar.. soo iib eu are kind enoughh... please donate stuffs datt euu donchh wann ttu miie.. but makke sure iits iin gudd conditiion yarr??

stuffs euu cann donatte.. ::
- belts
- tee-shirtts
- spags
- tube
- heels
- shoes
- wallets
- purse
- jeans
- pants
- skirt
- sweater
- jacket
- hand bags
- school baggs

PLEASE HELP... thankks.. aniityngg juss tag miie... hope ttu hear from euu guys !!

12:17:00 AM

Friday, May 5

omg... ii tiinkk heatherr iishh angryiie wiib miie larhh.. haiishh. she miisundersttandd miie lerhh larhh.. haiishh... ii shall tell euu wadd happenn...

coshh der niitte beforee ourr mathhs paper.. ii went ttu heather's house ttu stardiie.. she was supposee ttu tutorr miie.. denn.. abbterr stardiinn.. baii msg miie.. he askkedd miie iib ii breakk wiib mui steadd.. denn he was lyke.. donchh too sadd andd all.. denn ii was lyyke how cumm he will noe.. so ii askk heather whetherr iziit she tell him.. denn she wass lyke yar.. whyiie.. he msg euu arhhs.. denn ii saee yarr.. denn abterrr datt.. shee wentt crazii.. she was damn angryiie larhh !! coshh baii diidnt mag her... denn ii felt so guiltyiie andd all.. denn abterr datt ii replyiie him denn he neberr replyiie.. denn derr nextt dayy.. boutt 12 pluss.. heather askk iib baii g0rtt replyiie muii msgg.. so obviiouslyiie ii saiid no larhh.. denn.. abterr heather msg miie boutt 4 plus liiddatt.. baii msg miie.. he ask miie whtherr ii was wiib heatherr.. but ii diidnt replyiie coshh ii wass sleepiin.. haiishh.. denn baii go tell heatherr saee he g0rtt msg miie iin derr abterrnoon.. so heather tot ii neberr tell her derr truthh.. argh.. fuckk larhh..

how how how.. she's nortt answeriing aniiones corr.. GREAT..grr...

11:53:00 PM

Monday, May 1

wow.. hahas... ii tiinkk muii blog iishh rottiin mann.. iits been fuckiin long siincee ii lastt blog.. hahas... coshh muii parentts are alwaess at home.. so iits lykke nortt conviinient.. hahas.. yarr.. haiishh.. andd forr urr iinformatiionn.. HE BROKE UP WIIB MIIE.. yarr.. ii noe.. OMG... haiishh.. saddednnin case... alreadiie expecttedd him ttu askk forr breakk lerhh... but.. sumhow..... iim still sadd.. donchh noee whyiie osho... haiishh..

muii bestestt siistar toldd miie datt she saw him holdiin an arderr gurlls hand.. yarr.... BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE ?? wadd ddo euu tiinkk??? ii tottally habb no iidea.. ii wann ttu trustt him.. but.. muii siisttarr habb no reasonn ttu bluff miie rtye ?? but.. he brokke wiib miie.. wadd more can ii sae ?? haiishh.. suann lerhh.. amy.. we're juss nortt fattedd bahhs...

may be.. ii cann neberr be gudd enoughh forr hiim bahhs.. may be ttu him.. iim juss a childiishh lil gurll.. who doesnt makke hiim feel loveed ?? haiishh. donchh noe larhh.. waddeberr ii ddo.. iishh juss nortt gudd enoughh forr him.. haiishh.. FUCKK IT ALL....

blurr aka PURE BITCH

12:39:00 PM