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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Thursday, August 31

grrr .. bloody hell . wantt go out after school today also cannort . OM arskk us go back school . SHE is coming . nabeiisx . so miie ,, lys ,, shu jing ,, miko and jaslyn wentt tturhh darhh intterigation room waiit for OM . we were joking andd luaghing there . hahas . then after she came . we tok tok tok . oh . i didnt see any bruise on her anyways . which she claims dhatt she has . wadever larhh . donchh care . then tok liiaos . OM soot her lykke siiao . lol . she herself at fault . she is the one whu cause ALL darhh conflict . she is the wan whu arskk them to beat her . give her go police sation . maii . tell mother . mai . tell brother oshoo maii . LAME SHIT . then she wann come find us . bo liiaos . then after dhatt ggo meet er zi give hym back his ic . then go lehpak . then go home . <3

12:22:00 PM

Wednesday, August 30

kkaes . its a exciting day today . went eleana house after school . got tai ji . shu jing ,, jaslyn ,, eleana ,, me ,, elyssa ,, annie ,, donna ,, tabitha ,, jie ying ,, and jing yiing frenn was dere .. then tork tork tork . all the tai ji . 4 plus torkk until 7 plus . lame shit . then in darhh end SHE gortt beaten . 3 vs 2 . not telling whu . dont wann paisiehh her larhh . then she msg miie . sae the brother wann report poliice . lame shit . then wann miie be her witness all . ii dont want larh . tomolo ggo skool see how . police case will be classified under . ILLEGAL GATHERING AND RIOTING . lols .

12:22:00 PM

Tuesday, August 29

final results for the CA 3 is out . ii passed over all . passed my combine science ,, combine humanities ,, chinese ,, and art .


ii got damn damn low for my chinese larh . fuck . 65 niiarh .. damnn iit . ii did so weel for all test ,, comp ,, exam . freaking hell cher count the marks then become so low . damn it man . im disappointted . and sad . i put in so much effort . than liidatt. whardd darhh hell .

10:47:00 PM

Monday, August 28

True Love ...

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a deserted road on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down, we're going too fast. I'm scared! And I don't want anything to happen.
Guy: Come on, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Your having fun right?
Girl: NO...please stop. I'm really scared
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I LOVE YOU! Now please slow down.Guy: Give me a hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you help me out here? Will you take me Helmet off of me and put it on you? It's bugging me.
In the paper the next day:
A motorcycle has crashed into a building break failure. Two people found, but only one survived.
The Truth is:

That halfway down the road the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug him for one last time. Then had her wear him helmet so she would live, even though it meant that he would die.

10:47:00 PM

Sunday, August 27

tird tired tired ~ busy busy busy ~ damn busy these few days man , dint even have time for myself . shooping blog thing . which will start soon . will keep you guys updated . then skool work ,, projects ,, testt ,, and lots more larh . spend the whole day doing the blog thing . taking pics . iron clothes . packing my wardrobe . and other stuffs . lukcy got ting fong peii miie torkk on fone =))

10:47:00 PM

Saturday, August 26

wentt for pool todayy !! yippe ! hahas . IM SO IN LOVE WITH POOL MAN . hahas . saw ting fong for the first time . CUTE * teehees told octopus summtyng . kekex . it was bradon's birthday !! hahas . i keep wishing him . break his record . person who wish him the most time =) then we went for lunch . er zi damn dii siao larh . haiyoh . and i first time see monkey SO mad and high . lol . normally he quiet quiet derh . but then he today siiao siiarh . lol . and seeing kelvin is like . so ................ danm awkward larh ! also dont know how to face him . sigh . dont think he know i like him bahhs . sigh . who cares . knowing he got a girl he like . then wish him good luck lor .

then went tampines mall . hahas . go gai gai . went this fashion . THATS WHERE ALL OF THEM GO MAD . AND I MEAN SERIOUSLY MAD . they hide behing the clothes then go . " boo ! '' bo liiaos ! lols . then they keep laughing at dont know what .. really go mad lerh . oh ! ii took piics with ting fong . hahas . lalalalals . than went macdonalds .. kena spilled coke all over my legs by ting fong . but nehh mind larh . he gave me a straw star then i gve him straw heart . hahahahhas . kelvin brandon and daniel went mad . AGAIN . keep bite the straw . siiao eh . bite spite bite spite ..

i lsot my tutu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * boo hoo hoo * sobbs . i dont know how i lost it also . sigh . and i bought TOO FAST TOO FURIOUS DVD . =D

me and ting fong . whats wrong with our face ? my face looks out of shape cos of sumtmyng behind me . wth .

10:47:00 PM

Friday, August 25

went for excursion today . damn BORING . went to this place . i dont know where . i forget liiao . walk and walk and walk . WTH . somemore weather so hot . =.=

Angel ,, Amirah ,, Aishah ,, Amrita <3

us again !

still us . <3>

before leaving . i saw this bar. COOL MAN .

only the kranji part nice niarh . the place is damn saddening larh . my god . so many people die . 40 over thousand people can . and this is only part of it larh . my god . theres this grave . its written on it . '' BORN AND DIED '' sadd . and cikgu rathia passed away the moment we reached there . REST IN PEACE CIKGU RATHIA .

kraji war memorial ..

so many graves . sigh .

we so sooo lost in LOVE ...

11:29:00 PM

Wednesday, August 23

I MISS SQUID ! * boo hoo hoo * sigh . should really try not tturhh think of him . he now got stead lerh . must NOT pester him anymore . haish . so lnog nehh tok or msg hym lerh siiarh . =(

brrrr . inner conflict .. sigh . lame lame lame lame lame . not sian one meh . kepp quarrel . PEACE people . PEACE ! dong buey diiao . -.-

so so sian today . nth interesting . school sucks . except after skool larh . joke joke all . took piics too ! yea ! lazy tturhh upload piics . i'll jus show you a couple of piics we took .

10:34:00 PM

Monday, August 21

i cant seem to undersatnd ,
how thesee feliings startedd tturhh grow ,
maybe its yuur smile ,
or darhh affectiion you show .
you're justt summtyng ii wann ,
you're sunmmtyng ii adore ,
i wish whenn ii openn upp tturhh you ,
you wuldd show miie more .
ii wishh ii could darhh boundary of us beiin friiends ,
but ii siimply kantt .
forr dhatt is where derr line ends
ii kant seemed tturhh reach yeww ,
andd i'll neberr let yeww ggo ,
ii guess ii felll iin love wiithh yuur friiendshiip ,
andd maybe someday you'll know .
but for now ,
friends is whardd we'll bbe
but dhatt donchh storpp
wantiing yeww tturhh bbe withh miie .

10:51:00 PM

went to park with daddy aunty linda and amber . she's getting sooo adorable . BUT SHE DONT WANT ME TO CARRY HER !! * boo hoo hoo * went to walk around park way . saw this pair of heels . damn nice larh . my step mama bought it . * envy * .. then went to eat yoshinoya !! got piics again !! =D

and .. play pool play until kena addicted .. dorrtts .

amber , my step sister <3

cute siiarh ..

top view of darhh heels .

darhh siide view . hahas . special .

yoshinoya meal !!!

4:26:00 PM

Saturday, August 19

hey peeps ! went tturhh CTI's concert today with amrita ,, sharifahh ,, pork chop ,, julia ,, shi min andd niisa . OMG . i swear it was a blurr dae tturhh start wiith .. fiirsx .. porkk chop is suppose to meet me and shi min at the kallang mac . well . kallang has got TWO macs . one at the MRT station the other near the kallang stadium . suppose to meet at 1.30 then got postpone tturhh 2.30 . LOL . pork chop is darhh one who ask us to meet her at kallang mac . but then she went to the wrong one when me amrita and shi min is at the mrt station mac . lols . and she actually waiit forr more then one hour forr us . lol .. BLUR PORK CHOP . =x thenn we met nisa and julia in the train . then sat tturhh tanjong pagar . iits me amritas and pork chops FIRST TIME there . hahas ! soooo fun ! we took piics too . damn fun .

amrita has new nick names !!! mari kita . monkey ta . roti prata . toyota . nokia . ect ect .. LOLS .. CTI CONCERT ROCKS MAN !!!!!!! * woots * ii won a t shirt cos i got a question correct . hahas . has their signature on it . i swear the shirt is damn big lahr .. its XL for guys . =.= the usher said that we were BEST AUDIENCE ! yea man ! and they showed lorrtsa piics takken in our skool went they went tturhh our skool on their slide show when they are singing ! KC ROCKS MAN ! yea !!!! kyle is soooooooooooo superrrr cute !! agrh !!! OMG .. * melts * damn adorable larhh !!!! wahhh !!! hmmm .. shall put in photos now .. but pork chop havenn send me the pic i took with kyle .. =( HURRY PORK CHOP !!!!!

me and pork chop . on the train =)

me and nisa .

me and pork chop AGAIN . =X

saw this beautiful car . hahas . pork chop likes it .

only can see my head .. sobbs ! not fair !!

while waiting ......

starting from darhh blue sneakers clock wise . shi min ,, me ,, pork chop ,, julia ,, nisa ,, sharifahh and amrita ~!

left is me right is pork chop . while waiting for the concert tturhh startt ...

us and monkeyta . HAHAHAHAHAHS . I LOOK FAT ..

darhh back of darhh shirtt .

darhh logo of the shirt .

on darh way home ..

me and er zi [ shimin] on darhh way home =)


11:26:00 PM

Thursday, August 17

* sign * im worried .. lao shi say highest for chinese only 36/50 . how how how . * sign * lets not talk bout unhappy stuffs .. change change !!! oh ya ! I LOVE CHEMISTRY !!! hahas .. ii was doing my own experiment iin the lab . ms tan is so getting on my nerves larh .. hahs .. anyways .. ii wass using all the acid and mixing them .. ii got lottssa COLOURFUL colour check it out .

i've got test tubes finger . hahas .

dark purple

pour out . you get a lighter colour . =)

blood red

white and SPERM LIKE . lol

light purple

brown . shit colour . ew . i was disgusted .

dark blue

a lil bit of purple mix with blue

dark red

okiiesx. dhatts all . hahas . shall do more experiments ! nite nite !

11:21:00 PM

boring boring boring .. * sign * had chinese CA3 today .. was wuiite easy larhh .. although i dint study .. hmm .. but still .. IM AFRAID . nth really happenn iin school .. had biology CA3 also . hahas .. 301 UNITE !!!! hahas .. we were so cooperative man .. lol .. ii took shi mins paper than ii gave her mine . she wrote the answer in pencil for me .. hahas .. then everybody start exchanging papers . then ii help amrita also .. so fun ! THE TEACHER IS DAMN COCK LARH ! she's blind man . lols .. imagine if she is the invidulator of evey paper .. * WOOTS* 301 will pass they're exam withh FLYING COLOURS !! hahas ...

stayed back after that .. slack iin clas .. took piic too .. =) andd . AMRITA ,, AISHAH AND AMIRAH IS NOW MY DAUGHTER ! HAHAS .. LOVE MY ANAKS . =D

ii am miss sotong !

the three - oners

me and my three daughters aiishah ,, amrita and amirah =)

lao gong me and da dearr <3

retarded .

eleana lim got round face in this pic . hahas !



miss . sotong

DEADD** blurr

10:45:00 PM

Monday, August 14

siian ~ i dont like my blog skin liao . hahahas . think im gonna change it again . hahas . maybe change tomorrow . =) didnt go school today . so sian . then whole day that bloddy lao mu ji ( old female chicken in chinese ) keep kao pehh me . what the fuck . IRRITATING BITCH she is ..

im miss sotong =)
yo . ar . yo

10:14:00 PM

Saturday, August 12

woots !!! hadd lorttssa funn tturhhdaee !! yiippe !! wentt bugiis iin darhh abterrnoonon muii waee dere ii drop bby tturhh see kin kor kor at 77th street . on darhh bus ii saw thiis cute cuter lil boii .. ii gave hymm a swiit ! he damnn adorable larhh ! his cheeks are damn tempting ! feel like pinching . kekex . =x when ii reach .. er zii ,, squiid ,, monkey ,, dua dua liap ,, octopus deyy all late .. so ii wentt tturhh shop alone .. boutt new paiir off heels . [black] and a new tube [blac] and a bubble skirt [black] and a skirt . not really a skirt . a dress ? aiyahh . dont know what is that called . go 77th street check out darhh lastest clothes . which i bought it in [black] also . hahas .. I JUST LOVEEEEE BLACK .. =)


after they reach . we go smoke . then went to long john makan . saw paola there . she greww prettier . =) cute lil girl . =) the after that yuan ann and sidney come meet us . then smoke again than went to bugis street .. saw yuan ting shi lin and deiir fwenn dere .. hahas .. then darliin carilyn came tturhh meet us .. thenn li min and priscilla oshoo come . then me ,, er zii ,, monkey ,, squiid ,, octopus ,, and ddl ggo bedok plaee pool . hahas .. so funn .. took some piics .. hahas .. checkk iit outt .. andd .. lastly .. I LOVE BLACK SKIN . hahas =)

darhh cute lil boy dhatt i saw on the bus . i gave him a sweet . =)

me andd kiin kor kor ..

me on darhh waee tturhh bugis. zi liian !! ^^

err zii andd octopus professor . he's CAMERA SHY . =))

squiid andd monkey . hahas .. look at the waee squiid stand .. LOLS ..


see what i mean ?? haiish . dua dua liap .. STORP BEING ANTI SOCIAL AND RACIST .. =x

going down the stairs of bugis street .. hahs .. im bo liiaos ..

me and li min meii mei .. <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4523/2031/1600/.%20274.0.jpg">

me and priscilla lao gong . <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4523/2031/1600/.%20267.0.jpg">
heart shape <3 me and kelvin do derhh .


10:42:00 PM