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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Saturday, September 30

rain rain rain ~

* started raining damn heavily went i step out of darhh house . =.= too much of a coincidence ?

* went for a couple of games of pool wiith jim . saw judy there too . =

* wei jie came tturhh meet us . he say he went buy present . so we went bugis tturhh meet sebas

* bought myself a pair of levis jeans ! =]] lalalas

* went home after dhatt . and now . doing nth ~ ! bored !!

10:52:00 PM

Friday, September 29

* my comp broke down due to some stupid virus . so i had tturhh sent it for repair . its now back tturhh me ~ ! yay ! =]

* school is ok . exmas coming AGAIN . but only for one more week .

* went tturhh seven eleven after school with amrita . tina . and sheryl . LOL . its was damn funny la . amrita said tturhh sheryl " shall we buy all these !? " and so . the usual angel . i took different different kinds of chips and just gave it to amrita . LOL . it was damn funny larh !! hahas . me and tina took pics of her . HOW EVIL ! =]

amrita and her chips ~! lol .

jing wen say if i get all As (like as if i can ) he will buy me a box of chocolates ! so must study hard ! JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU ! =]

* problems problems problems . when will it all STOP . getting sick and tired of all these problems . one comes after another .


* carom with octopus . mel . DDL andd err zii . hahas . iits been a longgg time ~ hahas . but then ting fong and squid wasnt there =[

* thanks you prok chop and tennis ball melissa . thankks forr darhh support . maybe . iits time . i let ggo . and leave them in peace .

* just let me die .... all these stress are way too much for me turhh handle . i need a break .

11:52:00 PM

Monday, September 25

* english paper today . quiite easy . guna doesnt know to tturhh set paper . enlighs paper . she give us maths and bio question . WTF .

* went park way with jean . pork chop . lys . amirah . daddy . melissa for a while . then went home

* took a nap and played diablo . hahas . damn scary larhh ! bloddy game ! fought this monster called blood raven . my heart beat until damn fast siiarh ! lol . hands were shivering too . hahas . diablo is a bloody game =D

* hate my family . TOTALLY suck . fucking stressed up . the only way to de-stress is to hang around with my friend in school . sigh . use comp for a while also kpkb . also not say i never study . WTF .

9:34:00 PM

Saturday, September 23

happy birthday jim !

* went tturhh buy BBQ stuffs for jim's BBQ . ii couldnt go . =(

* went valley for pool . tio trash by birthday boy siiarh . wa lao . si bei tyco . LOLS .

* went home after dhatt . NOTHING TO DO .


9:34:00 PM

Friday, September 22

* cant stand c******'s attitude . OMG . freaking pissing me off . i mean . if you had bad day . or you didnt sleep well the previous night etc etc . you dont needa vent your anger on other people you know ? people trying to be kind here . ask you are you ok . then you give one lan jiao bin . knn .

* miss chua gave us the mark list for us to sign . and check our marks . and ii gortt secondd iin class forr biio . hahas . yea ~ got a 64/100 =]

* maths was fun today . mr lee gave us the springfield sec final term paper for 3 NA/NT . EASY . for darhh fiirst time ii had no difficulties in doind maths man . lol . IM PROUD OF MYSELF =D

* english lesson was damn boring . stoopid ms wee . she's getting on my nerves .

* some one told me dhatt SHE is gonna tell mr lee dhatt ii copied during bio CA . =.= PURE STUPID . she herself copied larh . still wan tell . use a lil bit of your brains larh girl . but whatever . say whatever you wan . im nort afraid . DON'T START WITH ME . YOU WONT WIN . bitch .

* exams are around darhh corner . sigh . better start studying now . english paper is on m onday ! argh !

10:54:00 PM

Thursday, September 21

I PASSED MY LIT ! yay !! hahas . i got a 16 =] hahas . amrita is the clown today . LOLS . she just makes me laugh when im sad . hahas . i just love her so much ! AMRITA AND AISHAH ! I LOVE YOU GUYS ! once again . amrita got herself wet . hahas . she was trying to make nisa scared . but in darhh end . the balloon burst on her . LOLS . went for lunch with my two besties . fun ! hahas . and ii finalyiie took pitures after my ugly hair cut . aishah and amrita is buying me wallet ! yay !!

i shall change my way of blogging =]

its miss . bitch and bitch wax <3

fan of Mr Bean =]

lao gong ~ hahas .

its US again .

she just loves me SO very much =D


8:51:00 PM

Wednesday, September 20

art lesson was fun today . managed to finish all 26 drawings . sleep throughout social study . DAMN SHIOK . over all school was ok la . lots of laughing as usual . and i found out that AMRITA CANT COUNT WITH HER FINGERS ! her fourth finger is paralysed . LOLS . poor amrita .

im like damn depress . i think i've fallen in love with her . but i dont think she knows . im just feeling damn stress . i dont know what to do . how should i express my feelings ? and what should i tell him ? i've hurt him so badly . and i cant do it anymore . but i just cant storp thinking of her . i think that she has some one in mind . im depressed of love . im depressed of freedom . i cant take all these stress . i will die . i need some one . some one to hear me out . i need a shoulder . for me to lean on . i need a pair of hands . to help me clean away my tears . i need a heart . and melt my heart of stone . i just need you . im feeling so alone .

you may see me smiling and enjoying myself . but look into my eyes . and stare hard . what you will see is pure sadness . a girl with tears in her eyes . it seems like her tear will never dry up . shes hurt shes depress she alone .


11:07:00 PM

Tuesday, September 19

happy birthday eleana ! x)

had literature test today . confirm fail lerh . its damn difficult la . sigh* maths was fun today . hahas . only 6 people were in class . the rest got send outta class as punishment by mr lee cos we didnt do our home work . lols . what a punishment man . hahas . we were playing . laughing . jokes . going about the school visiting friend . he didnt even know larh ! hahas . then he use assembly period for maths also . =.= those lucky bitch from F&N like AMRITA can happily skip maths . argh ! but over all iits still ok la . got aishah sit beside me . laugh until i almost died la ! i seriously went outts breadth and my tummy hurts . lol . love ya aishah !

pics are post on my shopping blog ! yay ! and WYRON is my first customer ! thanks a million wyron ! please support my blog poeple !


8:34:00 PM

Monday, September 18

tiired tiired tiired ~ slept for only 3 hours or less . damn tired =.= school was ok . a to the power of four went mad . kept laughing noon storp . hahas . went park way after school for pastamania . =] met donna and wendy after dhatt . then went home . jus finish 4 hours of art . gonna continue again . DAMN TIRED ARHS !

8:51:00 PM

Saturday, September 16

i finally did my shopping blog ! hahas . i did it ALL BY MYSELF . im proud ! x) please support ! if you have anything to donate please tell me !

things you can donate :
* t shirts
* jeans
* skirt
* ear rings
* necklaces
* cds
* bags
* nice tops

please make sure that the things must be in good condition =]

i love you i love you i love you ! dont break my lil heart . im still fragile .

14.09.06 the day i was made yours

10:49:00 AM

Friday, September 15

happy birthday khai ! <3
was khai's birthday today . we gave her the BEST birthday present ever ! =D mira bout ballons to school . after P.E we went to the toilet and filled up the ballons . waited for recess to come . it seem FOREVER . finally recess came . we told her dhatt we have a present for her . but can only give it ti her in darhh toilet . hahas . the moment she stepped into the toilet . WATER BALLOON FIGHT !! she was super wet . hahas . has lots of fun . went to meet bimandhra after school at park way then went home after that . tired ~

10:54:00 PM

Thursday, September 14

school was fine today . mr mayor didnt come to school . so we had to go to the canteen . stupid mrs sng . conducting spot check . there goes my beloved long nails ~ sobbs T.T had mother toungue after recess . was sitting with julia . after that ms teh gotta go settle something , so she left early . then me and julia started edited the my hump song by black eyed peas . too maii hum . whihc means dont want hum in hokkien . lol . its damn funny . hahas . stayed back after school today in class . had lots of fun ! zara wa outside class , she came into class with the johnny bravo kinda hair . than me and pork chop did darhh jonny bravo action . like '' wuu ha ! " hahas . thans the whole class started doing that together . lol ! damn funny la !

went park way after that with aishah and amrita to get tasneem's birthaday present. went mini toons . aishah saw that green tortoise and she was like talking to the tortoise . " you are so cute . you are so cute you know that ? do you know how cute you are ? " then im like . hello ? aishah , are you ok ? lols . so i secretlly bout it for her . she was over the moon . hahas . she bought me and white hair band ! love it ! love ya aishah ! bought a pair of key chains for me and aiishah . hahas . damn cute. =) bought a mr bean key chain and a box of small small plaster too ! and we are sooo gonna sabo khai tomorrow . its her birthday !!

A tturhh darhh power of four will NOT be forgotten ! <3


9:28:00 PM

Wednesday, September 13

was damn for the past few days . stayed up till late to finish my work . skipped my beauty sleep also . =x hahas . finally today got time to blog . phew ~
school was fine . funny as usal . did lots of stupid stuffs with amrita . and we are like so into MR . BEAN hahahs . kept singing the theme song . and did that stupid dance . =) had lots of fun with my darling amrita . love her lots !

9:34:00 PM

Saturday, September 9

happy birthday jasper and evee meii meii !! <3
went to meet jasper and eugene at plaza sing . then wei lun ,, tee kuen ,, evee ,, jian bing ,, cute cute ,, gerald ,, and the other girls came to meet us . went pastamania to have lunch . then walk around after that . bought new school shoes at bata . went mac to slck . then i went home . so siian today . sighh .

10:35:00 PM

Friday, September 8

i wanna cry !

first ::
my hair sucks BIG TIME . went toni and guy for a hair cut . took like 2 freaking hours . and the results turn out lyke shit . my my hair is lyke fucking short and ugly ? its lyke RETRO you know . AND I DONT LIKE IT .

second ::
my damn sickness is not recovering . im feeling damn terrible . cant even drink plain water . cos the taste sucks . feel damn drowsy all the time .

third ::

fourth ::
that bloody bitch told the whole world what happen larh . not really what happen . i dont think she told people that she got beaten up . only tell them say . " im not on talking terms with angel " . mimi ask me bout whardd heppen . and im lykke surprised that he knows bout me and her . she told azman then azman tell mi mi . one big happy family . HOW WONDERFUL . =.=

9:50:00 PM

Thursday, September 7

burrr . im sickk ~ feeling so terrible today . went to grand's place . granny was sick . poor her . but she's fine now . at least she manage to eat a lil bit =) my heart is at ease now . saw amber (step sista) cute lil girl . powerful legs she have . hahahs . was damn sick the whole day . drowsy drowsy drowsy . sigh .. talking to donna on line now . gtg . tatas ~

9:40:00 PM

Wednesday, September 6

im damn damn sick la ! body ache .. flu .. runny nose .. cough .. sore throat .. slight fever .. brrrrrr . but donna is such a sweet person . she bought me sweets ! but she arsk shu hui to pass it to me . hahs . thankks donna ! love ya !

11:06:00 PM

Tuesday, September 5

had fun in sentosa today . played in the water . drank . smoked . went cycling . and amrita almost got bang by a bus . LOLs . she is soooooooo FRAGILE man . hahahs . and she seriously cant eat a burger . she keeps dropping the lettuce all over ! until she heraself got irritated . hahahahs . we went cycling around sentosa . went up slopes . DANM TIRED . was late for 20 or so . bloody uncle fined us 7 bucks . ass hole .


my three daughters .

A to the power of four =)

i saw my good friend . hahas. saw it at esplanade the other day .

you have no idea how much i love her <3

bathe bathe bathe ~

our smelly feets .

so gangster . tsk tsk .

bacardi brezzer .

ma and aiishah

alicia's and amirah's hand and us !

camera shy ! =x

all of us .


11:06:00 PM

Monday, September 4

poor me ! im having sore throat !! =\ ohh . that crocodile man died today . so sad . he's heart was pierced by the stingray's venomous tail . so . i see alort of tortoises on msn . hahahs . im one of them . and i eventually got donna to put that tortoise and his picture on her dp too . hahahas . i was happilly irritating donna with my nudging on msn . and instant nudging on the phone . hahas . DONNA IS CUTE <3

9:48:00 PM

due to some irritaing biacth . diidnt manage to blog bout my trip to the esplanade . but nevertheless . im still blog bout it .


left house at 12 plus . went to meet max for pool at valley . ( i won him . wakaka . ) then met jim at bedok mrt staion . took train down to city hall to meet evelyn . who eventually became our tour guide . hahahahahahahahas . tour around the esplanade was SPLENDID . hahahs . had lots of fun . took lorts of pics too . max counted few steps i take .. i will be like '' eh ! take picture ! take picture ! " hahas . CAMWHORE
went for PASTAMANIA at tm after that . ooo - la la im loving it =) pastamania rocks .

here are some pics . ENJOY. <3>

walking to esplanade =)

from top right . max ,, jim ,, evelyn and me

then we came across this shop . full of bears . and i saw this bear ...........

damn big right !! i want this bear !!!! T.T

me and evelyn

thoughts of an art student .

the liu lian ..

im gonna work in one of these building when i grow up . =)

me max and jim . * the sun is killing my eyes *

LOL . i mut somment on this pic . hahahahhahs .

cos we were suppose to take this pic by ourself . then came along this ang moh . he saw us having diificulties tryiin to get everyone in the pic . so he did the taking picture hand sign and siad ' take pictures ? ' then i said ' yea ! yea ! take picture ! ' in a kinnda funny way . its was damn funny la ! then he counted okiie ladys and boy . so max jeked jim . then jim cannot tahan . he sorta luaghed out . thus . he's face beocme lidat . lol .

walking towards the beautiful merlion =)


walking down an empty street .


9:48:00 PM

Sunday, September 3

to dhatt HER :

excuse lady . if you are not happy with me . say it to my face . dont write in your ugly blog implying that im saving my own ass . in the first place . i didnt even want to be your damn witness from the start . you dont even understand my position AT ALL . what would you do if you were in my shoes ? im not trying to safe my own ass and get you in trouble . GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT

9:03:00 PM

Saturday, September 2

*sigh its the second today . hmmm . as usal . the missing . the memories . the tears . its been 8 mths . and im still missing him . i mean . i want to you know . its just that i cant and couldnt bring myself to do it . after all . his the FIRST man i ever loved . i mean REALLY love . was damn sad until i cried iin the afternoon . donna was talking to me online . she ask me to forget bout the past . and she eventually cheered me up a little . than she msg me ask me how am i . HOW SWEET . =)

went to meet jim ,, max ,, and their friend today at bedok . then went for pool . =) went macs to eat . heard the song TILL THE END while playing pool with jim . i teared but manage to hold back . aiiyah . jus very sad today larh .


A True Love Story

A boy and a girl , th ebest of friends
From elementary to high school frombeginning to end
Through all those years theirfriendship grew
They both felt the same , but neither knew
Each waking moment since the day they met
They both loved each other sunrise to sunset
He was all she had in her terrible life
He was the one who kept her from her knife
She was his angel , shemade him smile
Though life threw him curves , she made it all worth while
Then one day things went terribly wrong
The next few weeks were like a verysad song
He made her jealous on purpose he tried
When the girl asked "Do you love her?" on purpose he lied
He played with jealousy like it was a game
Little did he know Things would never be the same
His plan was working but he had no clue
How wrong things would go , the damage he would do
One night she broke down , feeling very alone
Just her and the blade , no one else home
She dialed his number, he answered "Hello"
She told him she loved him and hung up the phone
He raced to her house just a minute too late
Found her lying in blood , her hearthad no rate
Beside her was a note , in it her confession
Her love for this boy , her only obsession
As he read the note , he knelt down and cried
Grabbed her knife , that night they both died
She was found in his arms , both of them dead
Under her not ehis handwriting said
"I loved her so , she never knew all this time I loved her too."

10:52:00 AM