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This is my very first blog.(2006-2007)
i've three blogs in total.
cos i create a new blog every yr
this blog is full of weird typings.
so bare with it (:

The Lil Girl♥

angel (:

Sweet♥-est, escapes

2nd blog
3rd blog


Designer:your truly
Image Host:tinypic
Others:blogger blogskins

My stories

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006

Tuesday, November 28

` omg omg omg . im in love with 罗志祥 (if you cant read . right click,enconding click on unicode) luo zhi xiang . he's damnnnn cute larh !!! wahh !!!!!!!

` ii watch he's video on youtube everyday . hahahs . thats way ii didnt blog .

` im just super super crazy over him . !!!!!

` he's got a sense of humour ; he can play the piano ; he can play the drum ; he adorable ; he can dance very well ; he can sing ; he's filial . (my next boyfriend must have all these. >.<)

` few MV (music videos) of him . go watch .

jji qqi wa wa -

show time -

* zhen ming tian zi feat jolin tsai -

chance chance -

5:37:00 PM

Friday, November 24

` swensons at parkway . tina ; alica ; faiqah; aishah and me . and some of amrita's friends . like pooja . shes so funny . hahahas .

` was raning when we left . so we took a cab marina square instead . ate and arcade

` decided tturrh go for ice skating . took a cab down tturhh leisure park . but it fucking close down . so we went east coast for bowling . fun fun fun . IM THE WINNER . muahahahha .

` had lotssa fun . yayness .

10:24:00 PM

Tuesday, November 21

` this post will bbe dedicated tturhh my beloved mother .

` nno matter how much ii tryiie tturhh prove how muchh ii wantted tturhh please you you wont appreciate it

` ii seriously think dhatt my life would bbe so very much better without you in my life

` nno matter what ii ddo . all you do is just open your god damn big mouth and scold me .

` you are obviously a two face bitch

` ii did help out with darhh house workk . wash your stuffs . try making you and dad happy . but all ii get in return is a '' you didnt contribute tturhh darhh house at all '' . THANKS BITCH .

` since i was little . i swore that i would NEVER shed a tear at your funeral . or maybe I WILL TRY TO . (donna's line =X )

` ii wish that ii would grow up soon . and leave this miserable house .

` ii guess dhatt's all bout it . DIE BITCH .

` ii '' LOVE '' you so much .

11:20:00 AM

Sunday, November 19

` when tturhh watch Casino Royale with pris.jun long.kai jun and their two friends .

` movie was a remix of all kinds of shows like . Intial D . Titanic . Las Vegas . C.S.I . and blah blah blah .

` moviie was kiinda boring . and it lasted for 3 damn hours . damn .

` didnt really enjoyed myself . felt kiindda left out by them . luckily i bought pris along . if not . confirm die arhhs . and ii actually cried over it . it may sound stupid to you people . because you dont really noe what happened and how much HE meant tturhh me . anyways . i dont wanna talk bout it anymore .

` its YOUTUBE time . =)

1:51:00 AM

Friday, November 17

` ok . announcement ! im gonna get a new blog on the 2nd of dec . thats excatly one year since ii started blogging . and all the sad memories are left here . so ... NEW BLOG . NEW BEGINNING . yayness~

` hmm . youtube youtube and more of youtube . im like VERY addicted to it . hahas . seriously alot of taiwan drama for me tturhh watch . and its F.O.C . wahahahha

` ii dont know why im still thinking of you . ii know ii shouldnt be . but its just not something that ii can control . its as though everything just happened yesterday . somebody help me (sounds like the mask . lol)

` shopping . is quite a success . sell quite alot of things so far . maybe you guys can help me ! juts click on the link . then support kkaes ? oh . and help advertiste . shank you ~ http://bestbuy-shop.blogspot.com

` gonna watch the grudge 2 tml . IM SERIOUSLY GOING TO DIE . meeting jun long and maybe kai jun . its been a long tymme . =) im bringing priscilla along .


8:03:00 PM

Tuesday, November 14

* im DEAD tired . omg . pimples are starting tturhh appear cos i kept sleeping in the mornx .

* mom and i couldnt get tturhh sleep . so we we went down for breakfast. =]

* ii just woke up . haven slept for 20 over hours . so ii coudlnt stand it . i just took a nap . =]

* ii've been edicted tturhh youtube . hahas . lottssa stuff tturhh watch there .

* ohh . and this bitch called beth . kiips goiin tturhh amrita's blog and make troule . omg . she is fucking irritating . MISS NO-LIFE CUM BIMMOTIC . i seriously think that this kindda people should just fall and die . so childish . brr .

8:33:00 PM

Friday, November 10

hello people . sorry ii haven been blogging . =)

* was ADDICTED tturhh It Started With A Kiss . watched it on youtube . OMFG . there's this guy in that show . fucking cute larh !

* wahahha . bought so much stuffs recently . new flats . new crowned belt . new top . new necklace . new hair clips . new ear rings . new tie . YAY ~ x)

* missing all my mad friends .

- aishah . my rawkstarr =) and my catching partner ! wahahahs .
- amrita . my sitting partner !!! ii miss her craps !!! omg . seriously . everytime entertain me with her madness . hahahs . and the daily MOLE !!!! =)
- pork chop . with her lame jokes . and her loud voice . and the stupid stuff she does . hahas
- joelle ! my aii aii . =] always sing with me . then we go crazy tgt . hahahas . then she always laugh like one mad woman . lol

and many many many ~ =]

6:08:00 PM

Monday, November 6


* ok . i think things are getting soo weird . is it a trend tturhh blog nowadays ? first . it was nicole . then pork chop . then pork pork junior . then gerald kor . then vinn papa . omg . link until my hand so tired ! * faints*

* went ICA building tturhh collect my new passport with mom . reached there around 4 and left at 7 plus . they take so damn fucking long tturhh serve one customer . like whardd the hell larhh . waiit until siibeii pekk chekk .

* went tturhh visit grands . baby yu ling was there too . she's grown taller . cutie pie . =)

* went home . bathe and im creating my PIGGY PET =)

* iits name is MUD PIE . pork chop thought of that name . THANKS PORK CHOP ~

11:03:00 PM

my mother is so irritaing . fucking pissing me off . she can just fall and die . bloody bitch . and to hell larhh . everyday just scold scold scold . you're fucking mouth will just fucking rot one day . fuck you bitch !

12:15:00 AM

Saturday, November 4

* went aishah house for lunch . jolin,julia,alicia,tina,porkchop was there too =)

* talked about alot of things there . about the sec 3 camp . the class . the trouble we cause . the sentosa trip .

* went pet safari after that . saw this dog . omg . so cute . =)

so cute .

sleeping dog . =)

11:06:00 AM

Friday, November 3

* woke up late afternoon . was chatting with jas and vannye on line .

* jas came over . kindda bored cos we have nothing tturhh ddo .

* got depressed again after she went home .


* iits been soooooooooooooooooo long since ii talked tturhh donna . =(

8:25:00 PM

Thursday, November 2


* we were together on this day . one yr ago from now . although you've left me . im still missing you .

* kept repeating the very first song that you taught me how tturh sing ( shan hu hai -jay chou ) for an hour plus . memories flashed back . the times we spent together . and the times when ii cried for you . the stuffs that we do together . iit just bring tears tturhh my eyes . i dont noe how tturh decribe these feelings .

* ii dont wanna live in misery . but in stuck in this mess . ii dont know how tturhh get outta it . ii seriouslyiie need some help . why is it that ii still cant give up on you ? im broken and im lost . the one that ii love doesnt love me .


these precious moments
With you by my side
Must be a gift from heaven
That 's holding me all night
I don 't know how I found you
I 'm thankful that I have
Now that I have a love so true
To hold , to keep ,to share
In my heart , I can no longer hold inside
All of the love I used to hide
I 'll always be with you untill the very end
In this world , there is no place I 'd rather be
You are my life , my soul , my girl
And through it all
I know that you 've come to see that You 're the one till the end
All my friend around me
Say you 'd be gone too soon
Baby , I 'm gonna make them see
We 've found our way back home
In my heart , I can no longer hold inside
All of the love I used to hide
I 'll always be with you untill the very end
In this world , there is no place I 'd rather be
You are my life , my soul ,my girl
And through it all
I know that you 've come to see that
You 're the one till the end
We 'll always be till the end

kelvin bai zhen xiang
021105 - 030106

i have no courage tturhh love anymore . he was the FIRST guy ii ever loved .

11:05:00 PM

Wednesday, November 1

* suppose tturhh ggo meet joelle . but saw aishah on the bus . so went with her tturhh park way .tturhh meet tina and atiqah .

* went off tturhh meet joelle after a while . was raning heavily after that . pork chop cam etturhh pick us up .

* swimming in the rain was fun . damn fucking cold . brrrr

* saw melissa there . omg . SHE'S ADORABLE =)

* got pushed down the pool by julia . THANKS ALOT ! =.= lol

* had lotsa fun making fun of cecilia . and ii finalylie saw my son - in - law . not too much of a bad person =)

* lotssa things happened while walking tturhh the kallang bridge . =X

* went for super . with shi min . zapper . cecilia . joelle and shimin . shi min's father's treat x) went lai huat tturhh eat . wahahha . food was SUPER =)

* went tturhh darhh backk alley with cecilia . zapper and joelle . was in need of ciggiies .

* joked around . and dad came . fetched joelle home . lalals

* just came home . im tiired . yawns ~
* pics ~ pics ~ pics ~

me and yan chee

me and joelle aii aii

us . after swimming in the rain .

after swimming . just finish make-uping and when the rest came .

us again ~

10:35:00 PM